Mossy Macro Moment

A fine sunny day: a rarity this winter. These late winter scenes were taken at the old stone railway bridge in Great Moreton Sale near Nassington.

Various mosses

Lichen on Oak (Quercus)

Hazel Catkins

Nikon CP995

A couple of hunters

Another visit to my favourite lunchtime patch. This time more lucky with the Tawny Owl and again had great views of a Weasel hunting the holes along the banks of the drain near the sewage works. Even managed a digiscoped photo although they are active little critters so its a bit blurred.

Tawny Owl Strix aluco

Weasel Mustela nivalis

Digiscoped with the Nikon CP995, Leica APO77 and 20x eyepiece.

Grey Herons at Ferry Meadows

National Nest Box week kicks off and Peterborough Bird Club were selling boxes at Ferry Meadows. I was due to lead a walk around the lakes so headed off to check out what was around and ended up practicing some digiscoping at the reserve, where several Grey Herons were active.

Grey Heron Ardea cinerea

Digiscoped with the Nikon CP995, Leica APO77 and 20x eyepiece.

Pale Brindled Beauty

Including the melanistic form.

Pale Brindled Beauty Apocheima pilosaria

f. monacharia

Nikon CP995

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