My trusty coolpix 995 has been developing the odd fault in recent months, including persistently failing to focus on anything (but acting like it has). This has meant some priceless photos have been ruined so it was time to look for a replacement. On paper the P4 looked a good bet but it had only just arrived in the UK so it was a bit of a leap of faith.
So far I'm very pleased with it. It doesn't focus as close as the 995 but as recent moths photos show it is more than OK for the macros and I think the 8 megapixels will provide enough resolution for smaller subjects too.
Of course it needs to perform as a digiscoping camera too and that looks to be very good. Early days yet but with a superb 50 pence adapter initial results are encouraging. The Grebe here was taken in bright conditions with the sun in cloud and the Great Tit was on a very dull and wet day.
Great Crested Grebe (
Podiceps cristatus)

Coolpix P4 handheld to 20x eyepiece of Leica APO77

Coolpix P4 handheld to 32x eyepiece of Leica APO77
Great Tit (
Parus major)

Coolpix P4 handheld to 20x eyepiece of Leica APO77