Euro White-fronts

Another great find from Josh. Although initially located at Baston & Langtoft GP, these are consorting with the huge flock of Greylags at Langtoft West End.

European White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons albifrons

Digiscoped Nikon Coolpix P4 and Leica APO77 x20

Silken waves

Some invertebrates are busy in the middle of winter. The low sun illuminates a million threads made by tiny spiders at Prior's Fen.

Nikon Coolpix P4

Sparrowhawk kill

Another Collared Dove bites the dust.

Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus

Digibinned Nikon Coolpix P4 and Leica 8x42BA

Snetts again

Two trips to Snettisham in ten days after not visiting for about a decade! This time in the company of Will Bowell we were aiming to catch up with the Black-eared Kite and were able to get good views of this British first. A lot of the time it was mobbed by a Common Buzzard and although it ranged from Dersingham Bog to the beach road over the farmland east of the pits it didn't come close enough for photos.

Other raptors were good with Peregrine and Merlin putting in appearances and a rather odd-looking pale Peregrine-like bird.

This Scaup (and the Redshank that walked close to us at the time) was more cooperative than last time, but what age/sex is it? The first two shots show how dodgy it is trying to judge things like head shape from a single photo.

Scaup Aythya marila

Redshank Tringa totanus

Digiscoped Nikon Coolpix P4 and Leica APO77 x20

Woodwalton Fun

A beautiful sunny day at Woodwalton Fen NNR. The low sun and reeds infused the whole place with the golden glow apparent in these photos.

Chinese Water Deer Hydropotes inermis

Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus

Teal Anas crecca

Mallard Anas platyrhynchos

Digiscoped Nikon Coolpix P4 and Leica APO77 x20


A sunny day and a relatively cooperative bird at Ferry Meadows. The Chaffinch was at the feeding station in Bluebell Wood.

Goosander Mergus merganser

Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs

Digiscoped Nikon Coolpix P4 and Leica APO77 x20

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