Hoverflies galore

There seems to be an influx of insects going on at the moment especially involving Hoverflies. Large numbers of hoverflies and ladybirds have been reported from the Norfolk coast. Our garden normally does very well for hoverflies but it is swarming at the moment. Most are Episyrphus balteatus but I have noticed at least 6 other species some of which are pictured here. Shame it was a bit of a shaky-hand session. Hopefully get a chance for some sharper shots sometime.

Eupeodes corollae

Scaeva pyrastri

Volucella inanis

Sphaerophoria scripta.

A hoverfly - Eupeodes corollae/luniger?

The most common species, Episyrphus balteatus (Marmalade Fly), on Ranunculus lingua

Nikon CP995.

Many thanks to the folk on UK-Hoverflies for the help with IDs.

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