More mothing

A good night's mothing in the garden with another two Lead-coloured Drabs and the first Oak Nycteoline (another scarce VC31 species) for the garden.

33 moths, 8 species

15W Actinic Skinner
1524 Emmelina monodactyla, 1
2182 Small Quaker (Orthosia cruda), 2
2187 Common Quaker (Orthosia cerasi), 1
2188 Clouded Drab (Orthosia incerta), 1
2190 Hebrew Character (Orthosia gothica), 2
**2423 Oak Nycteoline (Nycteola revayana f.undulana), 1

125W MV homemade Robinson type
1934 Dotted Border (Agriopis marginaria), 1
2182 Small Quaker (Orthosia cruda), 4
2185 Lead-coloured Drab (Orthosia populeti), 2
2187 Common Quaker (Orthosia cerasi), 8
2188 Clouded Drab (Orthosia incerta), 2
2190 Hebrew Character (Orthosia gothica), 7
Black Sexton Beetle (Nicrophorus humator), 1

**=garden first

Lead-coloured Drab (Orthosia populeti)

Oak Nycteoline (Nycteola revayana f.undulana)

Dotted Border (Agriopis marginaria)

Nikon CP995.

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