100+ moths of 47 species
0017 Common Swift (Hepialus lupulinus), 4
0161 Leopard Moth (Zeuzera pyrina), 1
0385 Nettle-tap (Anthophila fabriciana), 1
0870x Oegoconia sp., 1
0893 Mompha epilobiella, many on Willowherb in evening
0937 Agapeta hamana, 1
0970 Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis cerasana), 1+
0972 Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis heparana), 1+
0994 Clepsis consimilana, 1
1002 Lozotaenia forsterana, 3
1011 Pseudargyrotoza conwagana, 2
1033 Green Oak Tortrix (Tortrix viridana), 1
1083 Marbled Orchard Tortrix (Hedya nubiferana), 2
1293 Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella), 20
1329 Donacaula forficella, 2
1345 Brown China-mark (Elophila nymphaeata), 1
1354 Small China-mark (Cataclysta lemnata), 3
1428 Bee Moth (Aphomia sociella), 3
1654 Figure of Eighty (Tethea ocularis), 4
1765 Barred Yellow (Cidaria fulvata), 4
1834 Common Pug (Eupithecia vulgata), 2
1860 Green Pug (Chloroclystis rectangulata), 2
1906 Brimstone Moth (Opisthograptis luteolata), 1
1931 Peppered Moth (Biston betularia), 1
1941 Mottled Beauty (Alcis repandata), 4
1956 Common Wave (Cabera exanthemata), 1
1958 Clouded Silver (Lomographa temerata), 5
1979 Lime Hawk-moth (Mimas tiliae), 1
1997 Sallow Kitten (Furcula furcula), 1
2011 Pale Prominent (Pterostoma palpina), 3
2089 Heart & Dart (Agrotis exclamationis), 5
2092 Shuttle-shaped Dart (Agrotis puta), 1
2098 The Flame (Axylia putris), 2
2102 Flame Shoulder (Ochropleura plecta), 1
2126 Setaceous Hebrew Character (Xestia c-nigrum), 1
2128 Double Square-spot (Xestia triangulum), 1
2160 Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea), 3
2187 Common Quaker (Orthosia cerasi), 1 larva
2198 Smoky Wainscot (Mythimna impura), 1
2278 Poplar Grey (Acronicta megacephala), 1
2334 Rustic Shoulder-knot (Apamea sordens), 1
2337x Marbled Minor agg. (Oligia strigilis agg.), 3
2340 Middle-barred Minor (Oligia fasciuncula), 1
2474 Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis), 2
2489 The Fan-foot (Herminia tarsipennalis), 1
2492 Small Fan-foot (Herminia grisealis), 1
Soldier Beetle (Cantharis livida), 1
Spotted Crane-fly (Nephrotoma appendiculata), many at light
Water Beetle (Ilybius sp.), 1
Strawberry Ground Beetle (Pterostichus madidus), abundant after dark.
Ichneumon Fly (Amblyteles sp.), many among the lakeside vegetation in the daytime.
Leopard Moth (Zeuzera pyrina)
Lime Hawk-moth (Mimas tiliae)
Peppered Moth (Biston betularia)
Figure of Eighty (Tethea ocularis)
Double Square-spot (Xestia triangulum)
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
Donacaula forficella
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana
Nettle-tap (Anthophila fabriciana)
Agapeta hamana
Strawberry Ground Beetle (Pterostichus madidus)
Nikon CP995