July ends with a wimper

A rather ordinary collection of moths this morning and no good photos I'm afraid.

94 moths of 37 species
* = year first
0455 Ypsolopha scabrella 1
0695 Agonopterix alstromeriana 1
0972 Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis heparana) 1
1020 Grey Tortrix (Cnephasia stephensiana) 1
1260 Chestnut Tortrix (Cydia splendana) 3
1293 Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella) 4
1304 Agriphila straminella 3
1305 Agriphila tristella 2
1344 Eudonia mercurella 1
1356 Garden Pebble (Evergestis forficalis) 2
1388 Udea lutealis 1
1405 Mother of Pearl (Pleuroptya ruralis) 8
1424 Endotricha flammealis 1
1470 Euzophera pinguis 1
1713 Riband Wave (Idaea aversata) ab. remutata 1
1738 Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata) 7
*1825 Lime-speck Pug (Eupithecia centaureata) 1
1921 Scalloped Oak (Crocallis elinguaria) 2
1931 Peppered Moth (Biston betularia) typical 1
1937 Willow Beauty (Peribatodes rhomboidaria) f. perfumaria 2
2050 Common Footman (Eilema lurideola) 1
2064 Ruby Tiger (Phragmatobia fuliginosa) 1
2107 Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba) 4
2145 The Nutmeg (Discestra trifolii) 1
2160 Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea) 1
2193 The Clay (Mythimna ferrago) 1
2289 Knot Grass (Acronicta rumicis) 2
2293 Marbled Beauty (Cryphia domestica) 5
2303 Straw Underwing (Thalpophila matura) 1
2321 Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha) 4
2343x Common Rustic agg. (Mesapamea secalis agg.) 22
2352 Dusky Sallow (Eremobia ochroleuca) 1
2353 Flounced Rustic (Luperina testacea) 1
2381 The Uncertain (Hoplodrina alsines) 3
2441 Silver Y (Autographa gamma) 2
2477 The Snout (Hypena proboscidalis) 1
Episyrphus balteatus 1
Black Sexton Beetle (Nicrophorus humator) 1

Ruby Tiger (Phragmatobia fuliginosa)

Garden Pebble (Evergestis forficalis)

Nikon Coolpix 995

Over here

Apparently its been "over here" for some time (30 years?) but this is the first time I've knowingly seen one anyway. This is the so-called "Euro Wasp", a recent colonist and presumably continuing to spread. It is slightly larger than the Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris) but otherwise is a similar social wasp.

Dolichovespula media

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Is this the wackiest beast we have yet discovered in the garden? Well it reminds me of something out of Robot Wars. It is larger than other leafhoppers or froghoopers. It has quite a jump too. The camouflage is unbeatable but what are those 'ears' for?

I found it on a Hawthorn in the garden. It is species of oak woods so I expect it was attracted to moth lights.

Treehopper (Ledra aurita)

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Migrant Hawker

Its that time of year again. My first Migrant Hawker of the year was in the garden today.

Migrant Hawker (Aeshna mixta)

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Eupodes luniger

Another good insect in the garden today.

Eupodes luniger

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Jones' Covert

An hour and a half in Jones' Covert near Hampton for a local wildlife group. The youngsters were suitably impressed with the beasts on show, with one heard to say "moths are cool".

Interesting to trap in different habitat. I don't often get a chance to get into woodland so five new species is only to be expected. The Drinker was the first I'd seen as an adult but we've come across many larvae in the past (see blogs passim). Black Arches is a beauty and one I hope we manage to attract to the garden one day.

The list is for my light only, which was a little deeper into the wood than Barry's, and not all species were counted. There were a few species in each trap not seen in the other. True to form The Herald came to a wine rag early on.

28 species
** = new to me
0658 Carcina quercana 3
0937 Agapeta hamana 1
0969 Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis corylana) 2
0977 Large Fruit-tree Tortrix (Archips podana) 1
1016x Cnephasia sp.
1260 Chestnut Tortrix (Cydia splendana)
1304 Agriphila straminella
1332 Scoparia subfusca 1
1405 Mother of Pearl (Pleuroptya ruralis)
1424 Endotricha flammealis 1
1436 Conobathra repandana
1501 Platyptilia gonodactyla 1
**1640 The Drinker (Euthrix potatoria) 1
1724x Red/Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe spadicearia/ferrugata) 2
**1726 Large Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe quadrifasciata) 5
1738 Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata) 2
**1777 July Highflyer (Hydriomena furcata) 1
1917 Early Thorn (Selenia dentaria) 1
2000 Iron Prominent (Notodonta dromedarius) 1
2030 Yellow-tail (Euproctis similis) 2
**2033 Black Arches (Lymantria monacha) 3
2044 Dingy Footman (Eilema griseola) 2
2064 Ruby Tiger (Phragmatobia fuliginosa) 1
2299 Mouse Moth (Amphipyra tragopoginis) 2
2318 The Dun-bar (Cosmia trapezina) 2
**2319 Lunar-spotted Pinion (Cosmia pyralina) 2
2441 Silver Y (Autographa gamma) 1
2469 The Herald (Scoliopteryx libatrix) 1

Black Arches (Lymantria monacha)

The Drinker (Euthrix potatoria)

Platyptilia gonodactyla

Nikon Coolpix 995


Another good light trapping session in the garden. Mouse Moth was the first of the year. It gets its name from the habit of scurrying away rather than flying.

143 moths of 57 species
** = garden first
* = year first
0427 Spindle Ermine (Yponomeuta cagnagella) 1
0465 Plutella porrectella 1
0647 Brown House-moth (Hofmannophila pseudospretella) 1
0801a Gelechia senticetella 1
0970 Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis cerasana) 2
0989 Timothy Tortrix (Aphelia paleana) 1
1016x Cnephasia sp. 3
1293 Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella) 9
1304 Agriphila straminella 6
1305 Agriphila tristella 3
1331 Water Veneer (Acentria ephemerella) 2
1338 Dipleurina lacustrata 1
1344 Eudonia mercurella 3
1361 Pyrausta aurata 2
1405 Mother of Pearl (Pleuroptya ruralis) 11
1424 Endotricha flammealis 4
**1437 Acrobasis consociella 2
1438 Numonia suavella 1
1470 Euzophera pinguis 1
1651 Chinese Character (Cilix glaucata) 2
1708 Single-dotted Wave (Idaea dimidiata) 1
1713 Riband Wave (Idaea aversata) ab. remutata 1
1724x Red/Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe spadicearia/ferrugata) 1
1738 Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata) 1
1742 Yellow Shell (Camptogramma bilineata) 1
1931 Peppered Moth (Biston betularia) typical 1
1937 Willow Beauty (Peribatodes rhomboidaria) f. perfumaria 1
2000 Iron Prominent (Notodonta dromedarius) 1
2011 Pale Prominent (Pterostoma palpina) 1
2030 Yellow-tail (Euproctis similis) 2
2044 Dingy Footman (Eilema griseola) 2
2047 Scarce Footman (Eilema complana) 1
2050 Common Footman (Eilema lurideola) 1
2064 Ruby Tiger (Phragmatobia fuliginosa) 3
2092 Shuttle-shaped Dart (Agrotis puta) 1
2107 Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba) 5
2109 Lesser Yellow Underwing (Noctua comes) 4
2110 Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing (Noctua fimbriata) 2
2111 Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing (Noctua janthe) 7
*2112 Least Yellow Underwing (Noctua interjecta) 1
2193 The Clay (Mythimna ferrago) 1
2198 Smoky Wainscot (Mythimna impura) 2
2289 Knot Grass (Acronicta rumicis) 1
2293 Marbled Beauty (Cryphia domestica) 6
*2298 Svensson's Copper Underwing (Amphipyra berbera) 1
*2299 Mouse Moth (Amphipyra tragopoginis) 1
2303 Straw Underwing (Thalpophila matura) 1
2318 The Dun-bar (Cosmia trapezina) 1
2321 Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha) 6
2322 Light Arches (Apamea lithoxylaea) 1
2341 Cloaked Minor (Mesoligia furuncula) 1
2343x Common Rustic agg. (Mesapamea secalis agg.) 22
2381 The Uncertain (Hoplodrina alsines) 3
2382 The Rustic (Hoplodrina blanda) 2

Mouse Moth (Amphipyra tragopoginis)

Least Yellow Underwing (Noctua interjecta)

Iron Prominent (Notodonta dromedarius)

Yellow Shell (Camptogramma bilineata)

Straw Underwing (Thalpophila matura)

Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing (Noctua fimbriata)

Nikon Coolpix 995

Doing what comes naturally

These were among many flying in the warming conditions this afternoon around Fletton BP near the Ikea entrance.

Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus)

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Over the 400 mark

This catch took my list of moths and butterflies in the garden over the 400 species mark with a Small Scallop, Pine Leaf-mining Moth and Acleris aspersana (possibly only the third for VC31 (Huntingdonshire)) all new. Dusky Sallow and Garden Rose Tortrix are year firsts.

Not too many pics as the light was very poor.

64 moths of 35 species with 3 more to ID
1016x Cnephasia sp. 5
1043 Acleris aspersana 1
1048 Garden Rose Tortrix (Acleris variegana) 1
1063 Celypha striana 1
1207 Pine Leaf-mining Moth (Clavigesta purdeyi) 1
1293 Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella) 4
1304 Agriphila straminella 3
1331 Water Veneer (Acentria ephemerella) 1
1344 Eudonia mercurella 3
1398 Phlyctaenia coronata 2
1405 Mother of Pearl (Pleuroptya ruralis) 3
1651 Chinese Character (Cilix glaucata) 2
1682 Blood-vein (Timandra comae) 1
1708 Single-dotted Wave (Idaea dimidiata) 1
1712 Small Scallop (Idaea emarginata) 1
1713 Riband Wave (Idaea aversata) ab. remutata 2
1713 Riband Wave (Idaea aversata) typical 1
1724x Red/Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe spadicearia/ferrugata) 3
1738 Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata) 2
1906 Brimstone Moth (Opisthograptis luteolata) 1
1931 Peppered Moth (Biston betularia) typical 1
1937 Willow Beauty (Peribatodes rhomboidaria) f. perfumaria 1
2031 White Satin Moth (Leucoma salicis) 1
2044 Dingy Footman (Eilema griseola) 1
2047 Scarce Footman (Eilema complana) 1
2092 Shuttle-shaped Dart (Agrotis puta) 1
2102 Flame Shoulder (Ochropleura plecta) 1
2107 Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba) 1
2111 Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing (Noctua janthe) 6
2160 Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea) 1
2193 The Clay (Mythimna ferrago) 1
2283x Dark/Grey Dagger (Acronicta tridens agg.) 1
2321 Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha) 12
2322 Light Arches (Apamea lithoxylaea) 1
2341 Cloaked Minor (Mesoligia furuncula) 1
2343x Common Rustic agg. (Mesapamea secalis agg.) 29
2352 Dusky Sallow (Eremobia ochroleuca) 1
2381 The Uncertain (Hoplodrina alsines) 3
2389 Pale Mottled Willow (Caradrina clavipalpis) 1

Small Scallop (Idaea emarginata)

Pine Leaf-mining Moth (Clavigesta purdeyi)

Acleris aspersana

Dusky Sallow (Eremobia ochroleuca)

Garden Rose Tortrix (Acleris variegana)

Scarce Footman (Eilema complana)

White Satin Moth (Leucoma salicis)

Phlyctaenia coronata

Nikon Coolpix 995

Great Moths at Stibbington

A very good catch at Stibbington GP NR last night, especially when you consider this is just an unattended 15W actinic Skinner box. Many of my favourite moths put in an appearance: Canary-shouldered Thorn, Sallow Kitten, Scalloped and Pebble Hook-tips. Plus there was the bonus of a cracking moth I'd not seen before: Bordered Beauty.

64 moths of 35 species with 3 more to ID
1316 Catoptria falsella 1
1348 Ringed China-mark (Parapoynx stratiotata) 2
1405 Mother of Pearl (Pleuroptya ruralis) 1
1424 Endotricha flammealis 1
1645 Scalloped Hook-tip (Falcaria lacertinaria) 1
1648 Pebble Hook-tip (Drepana falcataria) 1
1713 Riband Wave (Idaea aversata) ab. remutata 1
1713 Riband Wave (Idaea aversata) typical 1
1724x Red/Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe spadicearia/ferrugata) 5
1738 Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata) 2
1887 Clouded Border (Lomaspilis marginata) 1
1907 Bordered Beauty (Epione repandaria) 1
1913 Canary-shouldered Thorn (Ennomos alniaria) 1
1937 Willow Beauty (Peribatodes rhomboidaria) 1
1981 Poplar Hawk-moth (Laothoe populi) 1
1997 Sallow Kitten (Furcula furcula) 1
2011 Pale Prominent (Pterostoma palpina) 3
2030 Yellow-tail (Euproctis similis) 1
2044 Dingy Footman (Eilema griseola) 4
2089 Heart & Dart (Agrotis exclamationis) 1
2102 Flame Shoulder (Ochropleura plecta) 1
2107 Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba) 3
2109 Lesser Yellow Underwing (Noctua comes) 2
2197 Southern Wainscot (Mythimna straminea) 1
2318 The Dun-bar (Cosmia trapezina) 3
2321 Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha) 3
2322 Light Arches (Apamea lithoxylaea) 1
2343x Common Rustic agg. (Mesapamea secalis agg.) 2
2381 The Uncertain (Hoplodrina alsines) 1
2382 The Rustic (Hoplodrina blanda) 5
2384 Vine's Rustic (Hoplodrina ambigua) 1

Bordered Beauty (Epione repandaria)

Canary-shouldered Thorn (Ennomos alniaria)

Sallow Kitten (Furcula furcula)

Scalloped Hook-tip (Falcaria lacertinaria)

Pebble Hook-tip (Drepana falcataria)

Pale Prominent (Pterostoma palpina)

Poplar Hawk-moth (Laothoe populi)

Ringed China-mark (Parapoynx stratiotata)

Nikon Coolpix 995

Ypsolopha scabrella

Another garden tick in the shape of the distinctive micro, Ypsolopha scabrella taking the current garden list perilously close to 400 species at 399. Wormwood Pug and Straw Underwing were year firsts. A few more still to identify from this batch.

174 moths of 49 species
0427 Spindle Ermine (Yponomeuta cagnagella) 1
0441 Paraswammerdamia lutarea 1
0455 Ypsolopha scabrella 1
0905 Blastodacna hellerella 1
0937 Agapeta hamana 2
0989 Timothy Tortrix (Aphelia paleana) 1
0994 Clepsis consimilana 1
1016x Cnephasia sp. 5
1020 Grey Tortrix (Cnephasia stephensiana) 1
1178 Epiblema roborana 1
1293 Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella) 9
1304 Agriphila straminella 7
1305 Agriphila tristella 3
1344 Eudonia mercurella 2
1405 Mother of Pearl (Pleuroptya ruralis) 14
1413 Gold Triangle (Hypsopygia costalis) 2
1424 Endotricha flammealis 8
1436 Conobathra repandana 1
1470 Euzophera pinguis 7
1651 Chinese Character (Cilix glaucata) 3
1705 Dwarf Cream Wave (Idaea fuscovenosa) 1
1707 Small Dusty Wave (Idaea seriata) 1
1708 Single-dotted Wave (Idaea dimidiata) 1
1713 Riband Wave (Idaea aversata) ab. remutata 8
1713 Riband Wave (Idaea aversata) typical 3
1724x Red/Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet (Xanthorhoe spadicearia/ferrugata) 3
1738 Common Carpet (Epirrhoe alternata) 7
1830 Wormwood Pug (Eupithecia absinthiata) 1
1887 Clouded Border (Lomaspilis marginata) 1
1917 Early Thorn (Selenia dentaria) 1
1921 Scalloped Oak (Crocallis elinguaria) 3
1937 Willow Beauty (Peribatodes rhomboidaria) f. perfumaria 2
2030 Yellow-tail (Euproctis similis) 1
2050 Common Footman (Eilema lurideola) 2
2061 Buff Ermine (Spilosoma lubricipeda) 1
2089 Heart & Dart (Agrotis exclamationis) 2
2107 Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba) 3
2160 Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea) 2
2283x Dark/Grey Dagger (Acronicta tridens agg.) 3
2293 Marbled Beauty (Cryphia domestica) 6
2303 Straw Underwing (Thalpophila matura) 1
2321 Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha) 18
2343x Common Rustic agg. (Mesapamea secalis agg.) 21
2353 Flounced Rustic (Luperina testacea) 1
2381 The Uncertain (Hoplodrina alsines) 3
2382 The Rustic (Hoplodrina blanda) 3
2441 Silver Y (Autographa gamma) 2
2450 The Spectacle (Abrostola tripartita) 1
2489 The Fan-foot (Herminia tarsipennalis) 1

Ypsolopha scabrella

Wormwood Pug (Eupithecia absinthiata)

Straw Underwing (Thalpophila matura)

Gold Triangle (Hypsopygia costalis)

Early Thorn (Selenia dentaria), female

Marbled Beauty (Cryphia domestica)

Spindle Ermine (Yponomeuta cagnagella)

Chinese Character (Cilix glaucata)

Silver Y (Autographa gamma)

Euzophera pinguis

Endotricha flammealis

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