The Old Lady came to the wine rags along with a Large Yellow Underwing. All others were at the actinic light including the first Magpie for ages. Some believe this species is in decline.
113 moths of 48 species.
0161 Leopard Moth (Zeuzera pyrina) 1
0441 Paraswammerdamia lutarea 1
0462 Ypsolopha sequella 1
0647 Brown House-moth (Hofmannophila pseudospretella) 1
0898 Limnaecia phragmitella 1
0905 Blastodacna hellerella 1
0937 Agapeta hamana 1
0994 Clepsis consimilana 1
1016x Cnephasia sp. 1
1063 Celypha striana 1
1169 Gypsonoma dealbana 1
1212 Spotted Shoot Moth (Rhyacionia pinivorana) 1
1293 Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella) 18
1302 Crambus perlella 1
1331 Water Veneer (Acentria ephemerella) 2
1338 Dipleurina lacustrata 2
1405 Mother of Pearl (Pleuroptya ruralis) 10
1424 Endotricha flammealis 2
1428 Bee Moth (Aphomia sociella) 1
1470 Euzophera pinguis 1
1513 White Plume Moth (Pterophorus pentadactyla) 1
1651 Chinese Character (Cilix glaucata) 2
1708 Single-dotted Wave (Idaea dimidiata) 1
1713 Riband Wave (Idaea aversata) ab. remutata 3
1713 Riband Wave (Idaea aversata) typical 3
1860 Green Pug (Chloroclystis rectangulata) 3
1884 The Magpie (Abraxas grossulariata) 1
1917 Early Thorn (Selenia dentaria) 2
1921 Scalloped Oak (Crocallis elinguaria) 1
1937 Willow Beauty (Peribatodes rhomboidaria) f. perfumaria 2
1955 Common White Wave (Cabera pusaria) 1
1976 Privet Hawk-moth (Sphinx ligustri) 1
1994 Buff-tip (Phalera bucephala) 1
2030 Yellow-tail (Euproctis similis) 2
2050 Common Footman (Eilema lurideola) 14
2107 Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba) 5
2109 Lesser Yellow Underwing (Noctua comes) 1
2128 Double Square-spot (Xestia triangulum) 1
2160 Bright-line Brown-eye (Lacanobia oleracea) 1
2293 Marbled Beauty (Cryphia domestica) 1
2300 Old Lady (Mormo maura) 1
2318 The Dun-bar (Cosmia trapezina) 1
2321 Dark Arches (Apamea monoglypha) 4
2337x Marbled Minor agg. (Oligia strigilis agg.) 3
2343x Common Rustic agg. (Mesapamea secalis agg.) 1
2349 Mere Wainscot (Photedes fluxa) 1
2381 The Uncertain (Hoplodrina alsines) 4
2382 The Rustic (Hoplodrina blanda) 1
2473 Beautiful Hook-tip (Laspeyria flexula) 1
Old Lady (Mormo maura)
The Magpie (Abraxas grossulariata)
The Dun-bar (Cosmia trapezina)
Marbled Beauty (Cryphia domestica)
Beautiful Hook-tip (Laspeyria flexula)
White Plume Moth (Pterophorus pentadactyla)
Limnaecia phragmitella
Privet Hawk-moth (Sphinx ligustri)
Buff-tip (Phalera bucephala)
Leopard Moth (Zeuzera pyrina)
Ypsolopha sequella
Gypsonoma dealbana
Nikon Coolpix 995