More Migrants and Garden Firsts

A weekend of excellent moths in the garden. Among 171 moths of 64 species the traps attracted another couple of migrants on Friday night with Diamond-back and a Dark Sword-grass (only the second one for the garden). The star for me though was the tiny Cherry-bark Moth - a really striking tortrix. With only 9 previous VC31 records its another great find and a first for the garden.

Better however was the Red-belted Clearwing that came to the 'cul' pheromone lure within minutes of putting it out on Sunday. The picture is not very clear as the moth dashes around the lure without settling but the wing bases appear to be black ruling out the similar and rarer Large Red-belted Clearwing.

Another garden first was the Mullein caterpillar found by Karen on a garden Buddleia. We have never recorded the adult and it could be a while before this larva provides us with one: they can pupate for up to four years.

Nice to get a good pic of the Barred Straw, a flighty moth at the best of times that has not settled well for me in the past.

And finally a reminder just how big Britain's largest resident moth is.

Dark Sword-grass Agrotis ipsilon

Cherry-bark Moth Enarmonia formosana

Red-belted Clearwing Synanthedon myopaeformis

The Mullein Cucullia verbasci, larva

Barred Straw Eulithis pyraliata

Privet Hawk-moth Sphinx ligustri

Nikon Coolpix P4

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