Brindled Green Dryobotodes eremita
Dusky Thorn Ennomos fuscantaria
Frosted Orange Gortyna flavago
Angle Shades Phlogophora meticulosa
Nikon Coolpix P4
125W MV Robinson-type
0647 Brown House-moth (Hofmannophila pseudospretella) 1
0985 Carnation Tortrix (Cacoecimorpha pronubana) 2
1048 Garden Rose Tortrix (Acleris variegana) 1
1331 Water Veneer (Acentria ephemerella) 1
1342 Eudonia angustea 3
1395 Rusty Dot Pearl (Udea ferrugalis) 1
1413 Gold Triangle (Hypsopygia costalis) 1
1690 Small Blood-vein (Scopula imitaria) 3
1707 Small Dusty Wave (Idaea seriata) 5
1914 Dusky Thorn (Ennomos fuscantaria) 2
1937 Willow Beauty (Peribatodes rhomboidaria) 1
2107 Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba) 20
2109 Lesser Yellow Underwing (Noctua comes) 8
2126 Setaceous Hebrew Character (Xestia c-nigrum) 10
2134 Square-spot Rustic (Xestia xanthographa) 10
2198 Smoky Wainscot (Mythimna impura) 10
2199 Common Wainscot (Mythimna pallens) 5
2248 Brindled Green (Dryobotodes eremita) 2
2270 Lunar Underwing (Omphaloscelis lunosa) 3
2299 Mouse Moth (Amphipyra tragopoginis) 2
2306 Angle Shades (Phlogophora meticulosa) 1
2353 Flounced Rustic (Luperina testacea) 1
2364 Frosted Orange (Gortyna flavago) 1
2384 Vine's Rustic (Hoplodrina ambigua) 3
2434 Burnished Brass (Diachrysia chrysitis) f. juncta 2
2441 Silver Y (Autographa gamma) 1
2450 The Spectacle (Abrostola tripartita) 2
2477 The Snout (Hypena proboscidalis) 1
Blog Archive
- Pectoral Sandpiper, Maxey GP
- Red-veined Darter
- Mallow
- Ventnor's Wall Lizards
- Small Copper, St Catherines
- The Delicate
- Dusky-lemon Sallow
- Little Stint, Ferry Meadows
- Not so Scarce
- Rosy in the Garden
- Scarce Bordered Straws
- Yellow-line Quaker
- The Vestal
- Brindled Green
- Migrant Hawker
- Darters, King's Dyke West
- Old Lady
- Dark Dagger
- Holly Blue
- Birdfest Insects
- Red Underwing