King's Dyke insects

A fabulous hour spent just at the west end of King's Dyke West Pit in a sunny spot sheltered from the wind. Most of the insects were in a small area of rank nettle. The Broad-bodied Chaser was my first anywhere and the Variable Damselfly my first in the Peterborough area.

Broad-bodied Chaser
Hairy Dragonfly
Variable Damselfly
Common Blue Damselfly
Large Red Damselfly

Lepidoptera (butterflies)
Large White
Green-veined White
Holly Blue
Brown Argus
Speckled Wood

Diptera (hoverflies)
Eristalis spp.
Eupeodes luniger
Syrphus spp.
Rhyngia campestris
Leucozona lucorum
Helophilus trivittatus
Helophilus pendulus
several smaller species

Diptera (others)
Bombylius major (Bee-fly)
Bombylius sp. - smaller species did not settle

Cercopis vulnerata (black and red Froghopper)
7-spot Ladybird

Broad-bodied Chaser Libellula depressa

Variable Damselfly Coenagrion pulchellum

Blue female

Dark female (tentative ID, but no male Azures present so likely to be this species)

Hairy Dragonfly Brachytron pratense

Orange-tip Anthocharis cardamines

Eupeodes luniger (Hoverfly) - to be confirmed

Helophilus trivittatus (Hoverfly)

Cercopis vulnerata (a froghopper)

All pictures taken with Nikon Coolpix P4, Broad-bodied Chaser and Hairy Dragonfly digiscoped through 20x Leica APO77

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