Cracking cast of odonata along the Nene south of Elton Lock today:
Banded Demoiselle, abundant
Large Red-eyed Damselfly, many
Blue-tailed Damselfly, many
Common Blue Damselfly, one pair in cop
White-legged Damselfy, 6, at least with 2 pairs ovipositing on floating vegetation
Hairy Dragonfly, 2
Emperor, 2
Scarce Chaser, 2
Black-tailed Skimmer, 6
White-legged Damselfly Platycnemis pennipes
Black-tailed Skimmer Orthetrum cancellatum
Blue-tailed Damselfly Ischnura elegans
female, rufescens form
One of a few day-flying moths seen today:
Pyrausta aurata
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