Purple Heron

Didn't think this one was going to perform for me. I missed it by a few minutes on the day that it was found but this morning, on my sixth visit to the area, I struck lucky. I was just setting up my scope about 200m east of Eldernell carpark when the thing got up from Moreton's Leam close by. It then proceeded to give outstanding and extended flight views in the beautiful morning light before dropping just behind Lord's Holt. I had time to watch it through bins and scope and even get a couple of digiscoped flight shots.

This is the 7th day for this bird. The last in the Peterborough area was 12 years ago, also a mid-late September record. It was my first in the UK.

Purple Heron Ardea purpurea, juvenile

Digiscoped with Canon A640 and Leica APO77 x20

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