Happy New Year! Resolutions & My First OOTD For 2012!

So it's 2012....
Happy New Year boys and girls!

This year I opted for a much more low key New Years Eve than usual. I went for a meal with my family and then just for a few drinks at my local before I stumbled home, left the family dancing away to some god awful DJ in the pub and settled myself in front of Jools Hollands 'Hootenanny'.

I wasn't planning on making much of a fuss outfit wise, but whilst mooching around my bedroom I clapped eyes on an old bow tie I had bought a few years ago for a Halloween outfit. Now, I'm the kinda person that once I have
one little idea in my head I build on it, and the bow tie became the foundation for the rest of the outfit! Before I knew it I was fishing out a black dress, a few sparkles, slicking on as much eyeliner and gluing my fave false lashes! Just because I was staying low key, I felt no need to wear a matching low key outfit! I'd have probably wore the same thing just for sitting watching the event on TV! If you can't dress up on New Years Eve, when can you?!

Dress - £25 ASOS Curve (Also see THIS post)
Sequin Shrug - Yours Clothing (last year, Similiar one can be bought here)
Black Tights - $15 We Love Colors

Black Wedges - New Look Bow Tie - Charity Shop

This was only the second outing for my favourite LBD of the moment. My ASOS Curve vest dress with puffball skirt is fab, the only reason I am finding I am not wearing it more often is because I am conscious of it being very short! Why did I wear a bow tie? Well, why not! It was sitting looking at me and I thought to myself 'I realllllllllllly want to wear it!' So, I did! :)

One of my resolutions for 2012 is to be a little bit
more daring with my outfits, ok, so a bow tie isn't exactly ground breaking but trying to be a little bit out of the ordinary and breaking the stereotype in a place like Wolverhampton is difficult! It's not a town that out rightly accepts anybody of any variation, if I was to walk into my office on dress down day in the 'Blogger Uniform' (See the gorge Amy Simon's post) I'd get looked at like I had gone mental! I love those looks on other people, but I am yet to start being so daring myself. I imagine if I lived in a diverse place like London, I could quite easily go about my business being exceptionally outrageous with my outfit choices, but out and about in Wolves I'd end up being flash mobbed by the local hoodies!

Another of my resolutions for 2012 is to get another hobby! Last year (or well, the end of 2010) my hobby was this, my blogging! I very rarely keep up hobbies once I start them but this was something that I am thrilled to bits that I persevered with! But now it is time to turn my hand to something else (don't worry I'm not going to be leaving the blog to wilt and wither!) I am desperately trying to find a dressmaking or sewing class local to me, but alas, it is proving difficult! I am always in awe of other Crafty bloggers like Shawna of Chubby Cartwheels and When In Doubt Wear Purple I seriously need to have a bash at something too me thinks! (Check out her awesome handmade leggings!)

Leggings - Chubby Cartwheels
(Many other styles and items available!)

Unlike the rest of the world at this time of year, who's only interest seems to be thrusting some kind of diet talk down your throat, I want to assure you that this my dears is and always will be a 100% diet talk free zone! I am already dreading turning up to work tomorrow and having to listen to the constant negative talk that goes round about fat*, and the continuous talk about how little so and so has eaten that day, so coming home to my blog is my little piece of heaven where I, or nobody else has to endure the constant diet drivel that goes on!

And that folks is pretty much the beginning of my 2012! Hopefully you will continue to come and have a nosey as the year goes on! Make sure you leave a comment!

Big Love

*To anybody at work who may read this, this isn't to offend you in anyway, it's to let you know that you bore me senseless with your constant 'oh my god I'm so fat' nonsense! Shhhhhhhhh you are beautiful!

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