Km 10 on the road near Villaluengo del Rosario and one of the most productive stops of the whole trip. Unpromising at first, a little time revealed masses of birds (Blue Rock Thrush, Rock Bunting, Cirl Bunting, Alpine Swift, Crag Martin, Chough, Great Tit, Blackbird, Sardinian, Subalpine, Orphean and Olivacious Warbler, Griffon Vulture, Stonechat and Black Wheatear) and butterflies (Black-veined White, Morrocan Orange-tip, Spanish Marbled White, Scarce Swallowtail, etc.).
Sardinian Warbler (
Sylvia melanocephala)

Digiscoped with Nikon CP995, Leica APO77 + 20x eyepeice
Synaphe moldavica (a skipper-like moth common in the high places)

Bright Wave (
Idaea ochrata)

Marsh Fritillary (
Eurodryas aurinia)

Black-veined White (
Aporia crataegi)

Nikon CP995
Next - Las Covezuelas