Elton Water Meadows

After getting some unsatisfactory views of Scarce Chaser along the Nene at the water meadows a couple of years ago I have been keen to see them again. I managed it today although a morning trip was unsuccessful and I had to return in the afternoon. A female flew by first and a male immediately leapt from a previously unseen perch to meet her but it was a very brief encounter and I had to move a little further upstream before encountering a more obliging male. This is probably the limit of the species' range on the Nene so they are a bit thinner on the ground than further upstream but it was good to get some better views and even this passable photo.

Banded Demoiselles were abundant, and Blue-tailed, Large Red-eyed and White-legged Damsels quite common with just the odd Common Blue Damselfly. Large numbers of Meadow Browns, plenty of Small Tortoiseshells, the odd Ringlet, 1 Red Admiral and 1 Painted Lady. On the old railway line Speckled Woods, a Large Skipper and Small White. Plenty of other insects about including a Hornet and a small potter-type wasp nesting in the bridge over the Willow Brook near the railway. The wasp brought a grub as big as itself and inserted it in the hole.

Scarce Chaser Libellula fulva, male

Banded Demoiselle Calopteryx splendens, male

Large Red-eyed Damselfly Erythromma najas, male

Blue-tailed Damselfly Ischnura elegans

Hornet Vespa crabro

Chrysotoxum bicinctum

Large Skipper Ochlodes sylvanus

Fun in the sun

Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea

Canon A640 some digiscoped with Leica APO77 x20

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