Savernake Forest

I hadn't held out much hope for seeing a lot of wildlife on this weekend camping trip, which combined a bit of time in the forest with visiting relatives in three locations. However my low expectations were rewarded with some reasonably intersting sightings.

Best were some very active Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers. At least four were calling like mad near the Saddle Oaks and two showed very well. It is the first time I think I've noticed the wing-flicking accompanying calling.

Another highlight was my second ever Broad-bodied Chaser, another female showing well in a very insect rich sunny glade with lots of honeysuckle and rose, which was very fragrant at night.

Nuthatches and Great Spotted Woodpeckers were active around the campsite where a few moths came to the tent including the Dark/Grey Dagger shown here.

Dark/Grey Dagger Acronicta tridens/psi

Wasp Beetle Clytus arietis

Canon A640

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