Fashion Hime Friday #70 - Sarah Marie!

Hello there friends! Well it's Friday, I should be happy but I caught my mom's cold and this weekend will be alot of family business going on, so I will try to enjoy this last moment of quiet. And how funny today we get to meet the newest Fashion Hime with a familiar name XD Sarah Marie has a great taste in fashion and is so lovely, please enjoy her interview!

Name: Sarah Marie
Location: Vancouver Island, Canada
Fashion Style: "Blogger" and gal inspired

What is your style, and how long have you been interested in fashion?

My style is probably a combination of "blogger" style and gal fashion combined.
I first became interested in fashion when I moved to Japan for exchange & working holiday.
I always wanted to dress gal but Im happy that gal style has grown so much and
has so many different interpretations these days!

How did you discover your style?
I can say I had zero style when I first moved to Japan and quickley got inspired
by all the amazing looking gals! I started buying gal magazines and planning
shopping trips to Tokyo ( I lived in a small town in Hokkaido). Eventually I
stopped trying to copy the looks exactly and started to take inspiration from them and
make them my own.

When do you dress in your style?

I always dress in my style, everyday. I work as a hairstylist so I dont need to wear any
uniform or special dress code. I love it!

Do you like to follow fashion rules, or create your own?

In the begining I was always concerned about the rules of dressing "gal" but
my style changed and I think fashion (even gal fashion) has become
more individual, I think nobody needs to follow rules anymore ;)

Do you have one item (clothing, accessory, cosmetic) that is your signature?
I tend to wear long necklaces a lot...I cant live without my liquid liner.

What do you think is important about fashion?
Expressing yourself and being comfortable! Some people are comfortable in
sneakers (thats great for them) and others are more comfortable in highheels. It
doesnt matter what you wear, if you are comfortable you will be confident and
confidence always looks great!

If you would like to be featured as a Fashion Hime on an upcoming  Friday, please click on the button below to be taken to the sign up  page!

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