New Mix! Playin' Kinda Ruff

I've had it in my mind to do this project for a long time, but it just kept getting pushed back...of course I picked an opportune time amongst the hectic holidays to put the deadline on myself - doh! Regardless, I'm really excited and proud to present this new mix, as Roger and Zapp have always inspired so many with their unique and pioneering brand of futuristic funk. You will hear most of the staples as well as plenty of lesser known rap choruses and interludes, and your usual assortment of blends and cuts that were probably over-scrutinized in the process of creation. Rest in peace Roger & Larry, & much respect to the entire Troutman family.
DJ B.Cause - Playin' Kinda Ruff - The Troutman Legacy by djbcause
I have high quality CD copies available, to order please forward $10 (shipped anywhere) using the donate button up of the top right area of this page.
intro/gonna take a break
put your lovin' to the test
it doesn't really matter
husband/thin line
you've got mail
i keep trying
we need the buck
spend my whole life
been this way before
it's going down/scandalous/piru love
computer love
wanna be your man
be alright
zapp is back
suckas do what they can/say playa
rally world
california love
raza park
run tha block/4 my homies
express yourself
all night
late night fantasy
brand new player
player needs no love
habit girl/back to cali
u gots to chill
more bounce to the ounce
girl you should be mine
the way you shake/freedom
beware my crew
get up off the wall
do it roger
dance floor
touch of jazz (playin' kinda ruff ii)
so ruff so tuff/west coast poplock
doo wah ditty
ja ready to rock
i can make you dance
in the midnight hour
heard it through the grapevine
when you're a gee
in the mix
diamonds & pearls/tc song
slow and easy

Cover art by ladylexx !

New Edit/Dub - Thinking Of You

Sorry for being so scarce ove the past few weeks, I've been hard at work on some new projects and busy with the holidays, family, etc. Anyways, here's a new jam - happy holidays to all of you and thanks so much for checking my lil corner of the internets this past year.

Thinking Of You (b.cause shanty town dubbit)

4onefunktion Anniversary Tonight

Elbo Room, be there! I got a new CD too so give me a holler.


Tomorrow is Thawsday according to the forecasts so I made the most of the ice and snow at lunchtime today.

The birds and squirrel were feeding on Yew in the Cathedral grounds, where there were 5 species of thrush, and the ice sculptures were nearby and in Bishop's Road Gardens.

Grey Squirrel Sciurus carolinensis

Song Thrush Turdus philomelos

Blackbird Turdus merula

Canon Powershot SX10IS

DKNY Pre-fall 2010

Bollards... Shag at Peterborough Town Bridge and Embankment today.

Canon Powershot SX10IS

Giving an Engagement Ring

I should really be working. I am completely inundated and it is three days before Christmas, but I want to get this post up while I am thinking about it. This is intended for all of you guys who intend to give your intended an engagement ring for Christmas (three intends in one sentence, not bad). And I have to say that I have had a quite a number of you this year.

I had one of my regular customers come in last week looking for his annual Christmas present. When he said he had no idea what he was looking for this year, I suggested (as I knew he had been with this one woman for awhile) that perhaps it was time to give her a ring. Immediately, of course, sweat began to pour out, hemming and hawing began, and I generally got him completely aflutter. However what then transpired (or tranSPIRERed in this case) was a conversation about whether or not it was appropriate to give an engagement ring (I had initially actually suggested a sort of "promise" ring) as a Christmas present. He related how he had actually had a discussion about this at work and that he worked with quite a few women. They had ALL said that an engagement ring was NOT a Christmas present. For that matter it isn't a present at all.

The fact of the matter is that they are right. An engagement ring is a statement of commitment, a declaration of your love for this ONE person, and something to be worn as an indication that this person is no longer available to the general male public (or female if you happen to be gay). It is NOT a present. That is just cheaping out and trying to kill two birds with one stone. Now if you want to give an engagement ring on Valentine's Day, that's fine as there is nothing more romantic in this world than asking, and being asked, to marry someone. But to give it as a Christmas present (or birthday present) and then pretend that you don't need to give them anything else is simply not the right thing to do. And who wants to be remembered as a betrothed who cheaped out at the very beginning of the new and exciting path you might be embarking on. So fellas, face up to it. Give an engagement ring as a sign of your commitment but DON'T give it as a substitute for some other present. (Ideally of course, if you are commited to giving it to them for one of these events, you should first give them a beautiful pair of earrings or a necklace and THEN surprise them with the ring.)


Starling Sturnus vulgaris

Digiscoped with Canon Powershot A640 and Leica APO77 x20

Snow Boar

Or should that be snow bore. A bit of snow and we can't stop talking about it. Anyway it is rather lovely and I really liked these captive Boars at Ring Haw today.

Canon Powershot SX10IS

What is rhodium plating?

What is rhodium?
Rhodium is a precious metal, a member of the platinum family. It is a metal ten times as costly as gold. The price of rhodium plated jewelry can be slightly higher comparing to the one without but the benefit is also substantial. But It is not a feasible material to make solid jewelry from because it is too stressed and brittle, but rhodium is fabulous as a plating for jewelry because it is glitteringly, dazzlingly, white and mirror-like.

Many of 360Jewels' arts are made of silver which, by nature, can be scratched and tarnished. Plating our precious pieces with rhodium, therefore helps extend the scratch-free / tarnish-free lifespan of our silver pieces a great deal.

rhodium is a member of platinum family, a metal 10 times as costly as gold
...a perfect metal for 'plating'
360Jewel's silver pieces are well-protected with rhodium plating,

to view more of our precious silver collection with rhodium plating, click here

Key benefit of rhodium plating?
  1. Provide a surface that will resist scratches
  2. Also help resist tarnish
  3. Give white, reflective appearance

to view affordable rhodium plated jewelry , click here

The good quality plating can be very durable. For the pieces that have less contact like pins or earrings that you don't wear very often, the plating can last upto 10 years or even more. For the pieces that you wear everyday like a wedding band, it might wear off after 2 years. Good thing is you can simply replate your jewelry after the plating wears off.


Forest in a droplet

From Collyweston Great Wood.

Why Stainless Steel Jewelry works

During the holidays, many people travel. People worry about jewelry. You want to experience the world but you don't want your jewelry to wear out as you enjoy your activities outdoor.

For travelers / outdoorers / adventurers, "stainless steel" jewelry can be the best option for you. Here are the reasons why.

men's stainless steel earrings
view more designs, click here

5 Reasons Why Stainless Steel Jewelry works best for Travelers / Outdoorers:
  1. Absolutely No tarnishing
  2. No discoloring (unlink usual jewelry made of composite alloys)
  3. Almost indestructible by just frequent usage
  4. Amazingly hypoallergenic
  5. Conveys a sense of masculinity / adventurer
These reasons make stainless steel jewelry very practical for anyone who love to be in style while traveling. Anyway, although stainless steel is one of the easiest metal to be taken care of, it is prone to scratch. So avoid scratching. You can read the simple ways to caring your stainless steel jewelry in this blog.

Or if you have a silver piece and would like to know how to take care of it, you can read this 5 ways to keep your silver tarnish free article.

Stainless steel can be made in different shapes
also in different color

view more stainless steel jewelry, click here

Whether you will spend your holidays outdoor or indoor, we wish you have a great time with yourself and with your good company.

Otis Sleep On

42 years. ago. Rest in peace.

Sourcing of Diamonds

Conflict diamonds. Blood diamonds. These phrases are used more and more these days although the reality is that the three conflicts that were taking place in Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone when the phrases originally came into being, have ended. They referred to diamonds that were used to help finance rebel groups dedicated to overturning their governments. Often the miners were forced to work and turn over their production to the rebel groups.

I get asked about this more and more lately but I think a lot of people aren't trying to look at the whole picture. First of all, it should be noted that in many areas diamonds have brought great wealth and opportunity to nations desperate for income (Botswana is a notable example). When you decide not to buy the product you actually end up hurting countries like Botswana far more then you are hurting any conflict areas since 99%+ of the diamonds out there are conflict free. You should also be aware that currently more people are dying over the search for and mining of tantalum, a product used in every single cell phone in America, then in any current diamond mining areas. Are you willing to give up your cell phones? I lived for 40 years without a cell phone and got along just fine. And what is our excessive use of oil doing to the environment and how many lives have been lost to guarantee the steady flow of oil?

I understand that jewelry, often considered a luxury, is an easy target. But I firmly believe that if you can't stand to live with the idea that a dear price may have been paid for you to get a product, then you simply shouldn't buy it at all. Everyone seems to want the product, they just want to figure out a way to get it guilt free. But here's the real truth to the matter: NO MATTER WHERE YOU PURCHASE A DIAMOND, WHETHER IT'S CANADIAN, AFRICAN, RUSSIAN, AUSTRALIAN OR ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD THERE IS ALWAYS A CHANCE (ALBEIT SMALL) THAT SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE PAID A PRICE TO GET IT INTO YOUR HANDS. Whenever there is a large amount of money involved, particularly where it is concentrated in small, easily transportable objects there will be crime associated with it. PERIOD. You can't get away from it. It's been like this since mankind first emerged from the forests and it's stayed that way ever since. My firm belief is that, with the Kimberly Process in place, and with the new information age meaning that bad news spreads incredibly easily and quickly, only a very, very minute amount of diamonds are actually conflict stones but NO ONE can absolutely 100% guarantee that the one they are selling isn't. You should also be aware that all diamond mining, no matter where it takes place, leaves some amount of environmental damage (although they have gotten much better about trying to minimize this).

I know that the Canadians heavily promote their diamond product as conflict free, but who's to say that some material from other countries isn't finding it's way into Canada and being cut there and sold as Canadian goods? After all, there's big money involved, THERE IS NO WAY TO IDENTIFY WHERE A DIAMOND COMES FROM, and all you can do is depend on the dealer's word.

So what's a consumer to do? Well you can live with the fact that the odds of your getting a conflict diamond (especially from companies like Lazare Diamond who were instrumental in setting up the Kimberly Process) are extremely small, and that you are helping many developing nations earn some amount of money from their natural resources. Or you can buy a colored stone, something I strongly recommend because, personally, I think a fine blue sapphire is both more striking and is far more rare than a diamond (plus you get more bang for your buck). Or you can simply forget about getting a stone altogether. There is nothing wrong with having an interesting, but stoneless, band for an engagement ring.

Recently there has been a lot of press about synthetic diamonds coming into the marketplace. While fancy colored diamond synthetics have been available for quite some time, colorless diamonds are still extremely rare. The companies producing them regularly come out and make big press announcements that they are soon going to be producing massive quantities of colorless synthetic diamonds, but it has yet to actually happen. Are they producing some? Yes. In quantity? No. The other issue with these stones is that it takes a huge amount of energy to produce them as they are produced under high temperature and high pressure over a long period of time. So you may be avoiding the conflict diamond issue, but personally, I believe that you are inflicting more environmental damage.

My personal goal has always been to achieve some balance in my life. I bought a hybrid car before the gas prices went up because I felt it was the right thing to do. I recycle. I buy my gold from a refiner that sells me only recycled metals. I started disclosing gemstone treatments over 20 years ago, long before any other companies were doing it. I try to minimize my impact on the environment. I try to contribute to as many good causes as possible. But I also know that I am not going to give up a car altogether, nor am I going to stop using diamonds and colored stones in my jewelry. The choice of course, is yours. I just ask that you think about all of the things you are doing before focusing in on only one issue.

Morocco species lists

Click here for the full account of the trip.

Birds (98 species)
Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea - c.200 on Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Shoveler Anas clypeata - Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Marbled Duck Marmaronetta angustirostris - 30-40 Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Pochard Aythya ferina - Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Barbary Partridge Alectoris barbara - 1 around highest trees near Oukaimeden
Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis - Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Great Crested Grebe Podiceps cristatus - Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo - Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides - 4 at Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis - In towns with running rivers; up to 100 in Goulmima
Little Egret Egretta garzetta - singles in a few places
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea - Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Black Stork Ciconia nigra - 2 at Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus - small flock at Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Black-winged Kite Elanus caeruleus - One hunting SE of Marrakech
Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus - 1 near adult just below Oukaimeden
Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus - 4 at Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus - singles in many places
Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus - singles in desert areas and 3 in Boumalne Tip area, a dozen or more in all
Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos - 1 immature flew over Boumalne Tip heading for the Anti Atlas
Kestrel Falco tinnunculus - fairly common in and around towns
Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus erlangeri - 5 in total, mainly singles but 2 together west of Erfoud
Barbary Falcon Falco pelegrinoides - 1 juvenile hunting finches at Oukaimeden
Moorhen Gallinula chloropus - 3 at Rissani
Red-knobbed Coot Fulica cristata - c.100 Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus - 2 on running river west of Erfoud
Phalarope sp. Phalaropus sp. - 5 on Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus - Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Crowned Sandgrouse Pterocles coronatus - c.30 over calling at Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
Black-bellied Sandgrouse Pterocles orientalis - c.40 on Tagdilt Steppe
Rock Dove / Feral Pigeon Columba livia - scattered in and around towns with presumed wild birds at Oukaimeden
Woodpigeon Columba palumbus - 2 in High Atlas valley
Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto - fairly common in towns
Laughing Dove Stigmatopelia senegalensis - small numbers around Erg Chebbi hotels and palm groves near Erfoud and Rissani
Little Owl Athene noctua - 1 in El Keela M'Gouna at night
Levaillant's Woodpecker Picus vaillantii - 1 female feeding by the road in High Atlas valley
Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major - 1 calling near Restaurant Soleil in High Atlas valley
Greater Hoopoe-Lark Alaemon alaudipes - fairly common in desert areas
Thick-billed Lark Ramphocoris clotbey - 3 at Boumalne Tip
Bar-tailed Lark Ammomanes cinctura - fairly common north of Merzouga and 3 at Boumalne Tip
Desert Lark Ammomanes deserti - small numbers in most desert areas; birds in eastern sandier desert paler than those in stony desert further west
Lesser Short-toed Lark Calandrella rufescens - 5+ at Boumalne Tip
Crested Lark Galerida cristata - Small numbers in desert areas; at least 2 races involved
Thekla Lark Galerida theklae - a few in rocky desert areas especially near edge of foothills
Skylark Alauda arvensis - several at Boumalne Tip
Atlas Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris atlas - 1 at Oukaimeden
Temminck's Lark Eremophila bilopha - fairly common on Tagdilt Steppe
Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris - common around damper oueds and rocky gorges
Rock Martin Ptyonoprogne fuligula - c.20 feeding over the pool at Rissani and 1 SE of Erfoud
Swallow Hirundo rustica - 1 at km43 east of Goulmima
Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis - 1 at Oukaimeden
Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea - 1 in High Atlas valley
White Wagtail Motacilla alba - ubiquitous; in all habitats from dry desert to towns and valleys; most assumed to be alba but distinctive call from those at Dayet Srij probably indicated subpersonata
Garden Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus - fairly common in and around palm grove and vegetated valleys
Dipper Cinclus cinclus - 2 at Oukaimeden
Wren Troglodytes troglodytes - at top of High Atlas valley
Robin Erithacus rubecula - at top of High Atlas valley
Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros - several at Oukaimeden; singles in cultivated areas near towns
Moussier’s Redstart Phoenicurus moussieri - a pair at km43 east of Goulmina
Stonechat Saxicola torquatus - small numbers scattered throughout scrubby desert areas
Red-rumped Wheatear Oenanthe moesta - common on Iknounen road and small numbers in surrounding desert areas
Desert Wheatear Oenanthe deserti - small numbers in deserts wsouth of Erfoud
Maghreb Wheatear Oenanthe halophila - 1 male by road 2km west of Riad Timadrouin
White-crowned Black Wheatear Oenanthe leucopyga - very common outside of the mountains; 1-200 seen throughout
Black Wheatear Oenanthe leucura - several in High Atlas foothills and adjacent rocky desert
Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius - small numbers in rocky places and outskirts of towns
Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus - 30 of the torquatus race on hillside in High Atlas above last settlement before Oukaimeden
Blackbird Turdus merula - Erfoud town, Todra Gorge and High Atlas
Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus - Several at Oukaimeden, including some singing
Cetti’s Warbler Cettia cetti - 1 at pool in Rissani
Scrub Warbler Scotocerca inquieta - up to 5, possibly a family party, at km43 east of Goulmima
Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla - several in Todra Gorge
African Desert Warbler Sylvia deserti - 1 at fossil digging on Kasbar Said road from Erfoud, another possible north of Kasbar Said and good views of a singing male in south of the Kasbar
Spectacled Warbler Sylvia conspicillata - 2 at the fossil diggings on the Kasbar Said road and 2 at km43 east of Goulmima
Tristram's Warbler Sylvia deserticola - 2 in tamarisks at the north end of the Erg Chebbi hotels
Sardinian Warbler Sylvia melanocephala - 2 at south end of shortcut to Goulmima and several along High Atlas valley
Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita - fairly common and widespread
Firecrest Regulus ignicapilla - several at top of High Atlas valley
Ultramarine Tit Cyanistes (teneriffae) ultramarinus - at Oukaimeden and along the High Atlas valley
Great Tit Parus major - Oukaimeden
Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis elegans - regular in deserts and suburbs
Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus - many at Oukaimeden
Red Billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax - many at Oukaimeden
Brown-necked Raven Corvus ruficollis - up to 16 in the deserts north of Merzouga but large numbers only seen early morning
Raven Corvus corax - 2 in High Atlas north of Oukaimeden
Spotless Starling Sturnus unicolor - common in and around Marrakech
House Sparrow Passer domesticus - very common around habitation throughout
Desert Sparrow Passer simplex - a pair at Cafe Caravan with up to 6 seen in the area by another birder
Rock Sparrow Petronia petronia - c.30 at Oukaimeden
Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs - European race common at Oukaimeden, singles of African race seen around Ait Mannsour and in lower part of High Atlas valley
Serin Serinus serinus - Todra Gorge, High Atlas valley and Oukaimeden
Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis - around Ait Mannsour on Tizi n Tichka pass
Linnet Carduelis cannabina - c.200 at Oukaimeden
African Crimson-winged Finch Rhodopechys alienus - c.300 at Oukaimeden, near bottom of long ski lift at dawn then later dispersed higher along the track
Trumpeter Finch Bucanetes githagineus - 50 at pool on Kasbar Said road from Erfoud; 12 on northern edge of Merzouga town
Rock Bunting Emberiza cia - 1 at highest settlement below Oukaimeden
House Bunting Emberiza sahari - quite unobtrousive but present in most towns and at Boumalne Tip; one inside airport departure lounge after dark
Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra - singles at Boumalne Tip and along Route d l'Ourika south of Marrakech

Fat Sand Rat Psammomys obesus - many at Boumalne Tip
Gundi Ctenodactylus gundi/vali - at Boumalne Tip
Jird Meriones (Pallasiomys) sp. - one or two in desert areas
Red Fox Vulpes vulpes - 1 on cliffs west of rissani

European Green Toad Bufo/Pseudepidalea virdis - Damp wadi west of Rissani

Painted Lady Vanessa cardui - very common
Moroccan Orange-tip Anthocharis belia - 1 at Boumalne
Clouded Yellow Colias croceus - several
Also unidentfied Apollo and Fritillary species in mountains

{Inspired by} an unconditional love

This lovely pendant is designed and made by a real story inspiration!

Mon amie (my friend)
One of my best friends comes from France. Like most French, she has good tastes in almost everything from fashion, to art, to wine, to chocolate, to coffee, and other finer things in life. However, what really attracted me is her very kind heart. She is one of the most compassionate and gentle women I've ever known. We've worked together and been friends since year 2004.

Unconditonal love is the inspiration

Early this year, one of her biggest dreams came true. She became a mom of 2 lovely twin boys. I saw her pampered her little boys very carefully with gestures of pure love since the days they were still in her tummy until they came out to see the beautiful world. That inspired me so much that I decided to design this pendant and make it for her.

Translation of my inspiration
Outer circle is smooth & plain similar to a wedding band to represent pure love.

The twin brothers are represented by the two square shaped (masculine) blue sapphires. The deep blue sapphire was chosen to represent a male color. The two stones are set inside of a circle to represent the circle of life (or mother's womb). The circular pendant is a symbol of eternal love flowing in an everlasting loop. The outer circle is smooth and plain similar to a wedding band to represent pure love. This pendant doesn't have a clasp because it would act as a barrier to the everlasting loop. It is worn by simply putting a necklace right through it and allowing it to hang naturally. This makes it the perfect symbol.

The unconditional love from a mother to her children is the greatest love of all. Don't you think?

No clasp means no barrier to the everlasting loop.
Simply putting a necklace through it and allowing it to hang naturally.

To view specifications of this pendant, visit our online gallery

Four Days in the Moroccan Deserts

Earlier this year I found a couple of days leave I'd forgotten I had, tucked down the back of the sofa. With this unexpected good fortune I started formulating plans to cash in my cycling credits on a CO2 busting assault on the Moroccan deserts and quickly had a few people interested in joining the venture.

Another bit of good fortune was Dave Gosney bringing out his updated guide to the desert areas which took a huge amount of effort out of the planning. We aimed to cover most of the area SE of Marrakech in just four days. Could we do it and what might we see? Read on...

Day 1 - Friday, 4 Dec 2009

Actually the trip started the previous day with an uneventful afternoon flight from East Midlands to Marrakech. East Midlands is a very relaxed affair compared to Stansted and we were soon winging our way over the Isle of Wight, Brest peninsular, Bay of Biscay, Picos de Europa and Algarve before getting our first sight of Africa as the sun set over the Atlantic to the west.

Isle of Wight

Marrakech from the air looking east with the airport just on the right of the shot.

Immigration and car hire formalities out of the way, at 19:30 we started our long overnight drive to the eastern dunes. We saw very little on the drive east. A Fox sp (Ruppel's or Fennec) showed in the headlights briefly 20km east Ouazazate and the driver saw a Little Owl in El Keela M'Gouna. Somewhere on the descent from the High Atlas we spotted the rear end of what looked like a large pig trotting down a track out of sight - Wild Boar?

A brief stop for a hour's kip just east of Boumalne was the only interuption in the 11 hour drive before we finally detected the first signs of dawn around Rissani. The light quickly improved as we headed south from here towards Merzouga and the first real bird of the trip revealled itself at 06:30; Brown-necked Raven feeding on a roadkill Jerboa species. There were up to 16 of these between here and Merzouga and it was a lifer for all of the team, as were the next four species: Bar-tailed Desert Lark, Hoopoe Lark, White-crowned Black Wheatear and Trumpeter Finch. Crikey!

Bar-tailed Desert Lark Ammomanes cinctura

Hoopoe Lark Alaemon alaudipes

The Trumpeters were in a very bird rich area near the football pitch on the northern edge of Merzouga village. Also here: c.10 Hoopoe Larks, 1 Crested Lark (suitably pale and long-billed - radonii or macrorhyncha?), 4-5 Bar-tailed Desert Larks, 4 White-crowned Black Wheatears, Desert Weatear, Southern Grey Shrike, House Sparrows and White Wagtails.

White-crowned Black Wheatears would prove to be very common and we saw a couple of hundred or more in total. One of them here hopped up very close to the car. This was to become a feature of the deserts but more of that later.

A cream-crowned Marsh Harrier passed by heading for the lake which was our next stop.

Dayet Srij (Lake Merzouga)
We took a track west past the football pitch that led over a low ridge to reveal a huge lake with plenty of water present and clearly rather a lot of birds. Sorting these out was to take quite some time and reveal a few surprises. Some trips have walked around the lake and that might be worth the extra time but we just scoped it from the eastern shore.

Present in large numbers were Ruddy Shelduck (c.200) and Crested Coot (c.100). Also on the water 30-40 Marbled Duck, Shoveler, Pochard, Little and Great Crested Grebes and the first surprise, 5 Phalaropes feeding close together near the middle. These were rather distant so are best left unidentified but it seems Red-necked have been recorded here.

The margins held Grey Herons, the odd Little Egret, 4 Squacco Herons, a few Cormorants, including some pale fronted presumed maroccanus, and another surprise, 2 Black Storks. It was a little while before we noticed a few 10s of Greater Flamingos on the far shore when they all put their heads up behind some reeds.

Around the reservoir 4 Marsh Harriers hunted, there were many White Wagtails, some giving a distinctive buzzing call unlike any other M. alba calls and perhaps indicitive of subpersonata, 1 Long-legged Buzzard, giving us our first taste of this species' upright, falcon-like jizz when perched, and a few Black-headed Gulls. A presumed Lanner hunting on the far side was followed by a definite male perched on the ridge close to the tracks.

Lanner Falco biarmicus erlangeri

We had our first stroke of real luck here with a party of c.30 Crowned Sandgrouse that flew over close by calling. More Sandgrouse were seen on the far side of the lake but were unidentifiable.

The first of many Painted Ladies seen during the trip showed here.

A brief stop for supplies in Merzouga town revealed Common Kestrel, House Sparrows, Crag Martins and Feral Pigeon.

Merzouga, a wild-west style town

A truly barren landscape in places

Approaching the Erg Chebbi from Merzouga

Travelling north along the edge of the Erg Chebbi past the hotels we saw Collared Doves, 4 Stonechats and several Laughing Doves and had our first taste of the Erg Chebbi up close.

Laughing Dove Streptopelia senegalensis

Erg Chebbi

As we neared the northern edge of the dunes we picked up some showy White-crowned Black Wheatears, another Desert Wheatear and found 2 Tristram's Warblers in tamarisks with 2 Chiffchaffs.

Desert Wheatear Oenanthe deserti, male

Tristram's Warbler Sylvia deserticola

White-crowned Black Wheatear Oenanthe leucopyga

While watching the Tristram's Warblers we had left the doors to the car open and two first-winter White-crowned Black Wheatears were feeding on, under and inside the car. We began to notice during our time in the desert areas that stopping the car anywhere near WCB Wheatears would cause them to come and feed on the car. They have clearly learned that insects are killed or attracted to cars and are making use of this.

White-crowned Black Wheatear Oenanthe leucopyga, first-winter feeding in car

Continuing our trip around to the northern edge of the Erg Chebbi we began searching in earnest for Desert Sparrows. We stopped at several camel holdings without any luck and were approached by a chap from the Cafe Caravan who said they had been at his place but for some reason we decided to carry on to Cafe Jasmina across the totally dry lake bed. Then we struck very lucky indeed. While checking a large group of Camels we met Gary and his wife, who were staying there on their honeymoon. He had seen 5 sparrows at Caravan early on but none just now. However one had been showing minutes before at Jasmina. We headed there with the intention of having lunch and watching out for the bird.

Shortly after we arrived Gary drove up behind us to say there were two birds back at Caravan so we headed back there with him. We followed him back and just as we got there a really pale male Lanner swooped in a took prey from a Common Kestrel. However the real show was to follow and we are eternally grateful to Gary and his missus for making the trip back to get us.

The pair of Desert Sparrows perfomed fantastically well around some Bedouin rugs hung out in a patch of sand strewn with camel dung.

Desert Sparrow Passer simplex (with thanks to Gary and his wife)


Desert Sparrow and paparazzi

We ended up staying here for a very late lunch, chatting to Gary, his wife and the owner of Cafe Caravan over our first 'Berber Whisky', the hot, sweet mint tea of the area. Our first Tagine eventually turned up but it was worth the wait and not just because it was our first proper meal for over 24 hours.

Cafe Caravan

With just a few hours of daylight left we reluctantly moved on and headed through Rissani, encountering another Long-legged Buzzard on the way. Then we stopped at a small pool, well surrounded by vegetation and starting to dry out, that seemed to be used as a bit of a cesspit. Anyway the birds seemed to love it and it was the Common Bulbuls that first attracted us to it.

Otherwise there were 3 Moorhens, White Wagtails, House Sparrows, a Black Redstart, many Chiffchaffs, a House Bunting (not seen by me), 2 Laughing Doves, Collared Doves and a Cetti's Warbler scalding a cat as it moved through the low vegetation.

Then we took a closer look at the hirundines wheeling overhead and realised they were Rock Martins, an unexpected tick for all of us. The paler impression and lack of covert contrast were quite clear once you got your eye in.

Heading west from Rissani we encountered Southern Grey Shrike, Black Redstart, Crested Lark and a small mammal that was probably a Jird species, just before a river with a decent amount of water flowing. Here were Grey Heron, 2 Green Sandpipers, 1 Little Egret, Pied Wagtails, Crested Larks, Blackbird, Chiffchaff, Common Bulbuls and a Long-legged Buzzard.

Time was now against us and we were rather tired as we valiantly attempted to reach the Eagle Owl site a bit further to the west. But despite a heroic hike out to the cliffs the light was failing fast and we only managed to find a couple of large sparrow roosts in lone bushes and a Red Fox before it got too dark. The only hint was a distant call that could have been Eagle Owl from even further along the ridge.

We headed back to the car encountering this Green Toad on the way and found a hotel in Erfoud where we went over notes and photos in the bar which served beer accompanied by olives, nuts and meat nibbles. An excellent end to our first day in Africa.

European Green Toad Bufo/Pseudepidalea virdis

Day 2 - Saturday, 5 Dec 2009

The Hotel Tafilalet did us proud at breakfast and as dawn broke we were treated to the sight of 15 Cattle Egrets and a Little Egret passing overhead. There were also plenty of House Sparrows, Feral Pigeons, a White Wagtail and Blackbird over along with a Sparrowhawk.

We headed out of town on the desert road SE towards Kasbar Said pausing only briefly to admire the plastic bags soaring majestically (and confusingly) over the hills. Our first stop was at the fossil diggings where once again White-crowned Black Wheatear took advantage of our car.

White-crowned Black Wheatear Oenanthe leucopyga

As we pulled up a small bird flitted up from the base of an adjacent bush and with everyone out of the car in record time showed itself briefly to be a Desert Warbler. Unfortunately that was more or less the last we saw of it and despite a thorough search we only came up with a couple of Spectacled Warblers, more White-crowned Black Wheatears and a Jird, probably Sundeval's Jird.

Presumed Sundeval's Jird Meriones crassus

Undetered, we headed south again but didn't get far as there were masses of birds at a drinking pool where the road bends right; c.50 Trumpeter Finches, 6 Desert Larks, a White Wagtail and a lone Rock Martin.

Trumpeter Finch Bucanetes githagineus

Desert Lark Ammomanes deserti, very variable colouration - pale like this one in the south but darker and more heavily marked nearer the Atlas

Pushing south again past Desert Wheatear and Long-legged Buzzard we saw another glimpse of a probable Desert Warbler just north of the Kasbar Said but the main show was to be in the scruby sand-filled wadi just to the south. Here a male sang and showed very well, while there were Desert and Hoopoe Larks around as well.

Desert Warbler Sylvia (nana) deserti

We decided to move back north now to try for Scrub Warbler. On leaving Erfoud on the Jorf road we found a pair of Blue Rock Thrushes getting frisky on the walls of a building; "luvly jubly" as the friendly Moroccan who stopped to talk to us said when he found out we were from England. Obviously impressions of the English are formed from documentaries such as Only Fools and Horses!

A pair of Lanners were stooping at each other 5-10km further on, a Long-legged Buzzard showed and there were Common Bulbuls and a couple of Laughing Doves on the edge of palm groves.

More Moroccan bonhomie was to be encountered as we pootled through Jorf. A sharp bit of metal on the road resulted in instant deflation for one tyre and four team members alike. But we needn't have worried. In seconds there were many offers of help, either with wheel changing or with getting the tyre fixed. As it happened there was a mechanic just across the road and in 15 minutes we were back on our way with the spare tyre on and the puncture mended and tyre reinflated. We had to haggle with the mechanic, but in reverse. He wouldn't take any money at first but we managed to beat him up to 40 Dirham (c.£3.30!). What a great country! I even got a lifer out of it as a couple of House Buntings showed along with a few Common Bulbuls and a couple of Clouded Yellows.

The route took us past Bedouin wells, more Camels and several Southern Grey Shrikes, the ever present White-crowned Black Wheatears and a few Desert Larks were seen.

We then took a promising-looking shortcut between the Erfoud-Tinejdad road and Goulmima. One stop produced 3 Stonechats, 2 Sardinian Warblers, a Southern Grey Shrike and Long-legged Buzzard.

Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis elegans

East of Goulmima, at the Errachidia 43/4km post we parked by the wadi, prepared to walk out to the bushes described in the Gosney guide, but only got a couple of hundred yards before we encountered the first Scrub Warbler. This turned out to be one of the most entertaining stops of the trip as up to 5 Scrub Warblers (perhaps a family party) showed fantastically well along with a pair of Moussier's Redstarts (to be the only ones of the trip surprisingly), 3 Spectacled Warblers, 4 Stonechats, a Southern Grey Shrike, a Kestrel, a Swallow and a rather short-billed Crested Lark. A large flock of small birds further up the wadi could well have been Lesser Short-toed Larks and there were more Painted Ladies, a small lizard and a Jird species.

Scrub Warbler Scotocerca inquieta theresae

Moussier's Redstart Phoenicurus moussieri


Returning through Goulmima we noticed up to 100 Cattle Egrets roosting on the roofs of the taller buildings. Refueling on the eastern edge of Tinejdad a Blue Rock Thrush showed and leaving the town on the western side we got our best views so far of House Bunting.

A Cattle Egret and a Sparrowhawk greeted us as we drove into Tinihir and began a late evening drive up the Todra Gorge. there were plenty of Crag Martins here and the vegetated lower parts had Serin, Blackbird, Blackcap, Black Redstart and Common Bulbul. 2 Blue Rock Thrushes were higher up as the light began to fail.

Bottom of Todra Gorge

We stayed at the very reasonably priced Chez Christophe on the west side of Tinihir. Good food but bring a pillow substitute as the ones here felt like they were filled with concrete.

Day 3 - Sunday, 6 Dec 2009

Woke to the sound of House Bunting calling outside the hotel somewhere. Another excellent breakfast and we were on our way past more White-crowned Black Wheatears, Southern Grey Shrikes and Stonechats until the 18km post from Tinihir. Here we encountered our first Red-rumped Wheatears, a pair, along with 3-4 Thekla Larks and a Desert Lark (darker than the ones further southeast).

Thekla Lark Galerida theklae

Driving through Riad Timadrouin revealed a Sparrowhawk and Serin but just 2km further west was the next treat; a spanking male Mourning Wheatear. We also saw 5 Black Wheatears here and another of the darker Desert Larks.

Mourning Wheatear Oenanthe lugens, male

Mourning Wheatear site

Our next stop was the rubbish tip outside Boumalne. The first birds were right by the main road at the 48km marker but there were many scattered throughout the tip area. Temminck's Larks were among the most numerous with plenty of Skylarks and White Wagtails, several Thekla Larks, 5 Lesser Short-toed Larks, 3 Bar-tailed Desert Larks, 2 Desert Larks, 2 Thick-billed Larks, Red-rumped Wheatears and 3 Long-legged Buzzards. With a Hoopoe Lark a bit further along the track that made 8 species of lark here. We also had a jammy flyover Golden Eagle.

Thick-billed Lark Rhamphocoris clotbey

Temminck's Horned Lark Eremophila bilopha

Red-rumped Wheatear Oenanthe moesta, male

Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus cirtensis

The tip area was bristling with rodents; the Fat Sand Rat and the rather fatter Gundi.

Fat Sand Rat Psammomys obesus

Common or Desert Gundi Ctenodactylus gundi/vali

Driving further along the Tagdilt Track produced scattered Temminck's, Desert and Thekla Larks but was otherwise rather uneventful until we got to an area on the NE edge of the first hills. Here a Lanner was chasing Hoopoe Larks and about 40 Black-bellied Sandgrouse were seen feeding and in flight.

Returning along the metalled Iknouinen Road there were many Red-rumped Wheatears and we ended up back at the spot where we had kipped for a few hours on the drive through the first night.

Middle of nowhere?

It was about 13:00 by now and with a long drive across the Atlas ahead of us we turned west through Boumalne where more Crag Martins and Common Bulbul were encountered along with a Moroccan Orange-tip.

More White-crowned Black Wheatears, Southern Grey Shrikes, Crag Martins, Cattle Egrets and Blue Rock Thrush accompanied the drive into the foothills, with a Little Egret on the river at El Keela. Black Wheatears started appearing on the drive up into the mountains where Chiffchaff and Common Bulbul were in the valley.

With the last of the light on the descent from Tizi-n-Tichka we saw a few Goldfinches and a cracking male African Chaffinch right by the road.

We had noticed another tyre was going down so stopped to get that pumped up before heading up into the moutains again. Once more the garage we stopped at wouldn't take anything without coercion and gave us excellent directions for the shortcut across to the mountain road.

We arrived at the Oukaimeden ski resort at 20:00 to find it pretty well shut but managed to knock on a window and get the attention of the guys at Chez Juju, where the first reaction was come and join our meal! In the end we had a three course one of our own with beer and berber whisky while reading the bird log the hotel keeps.

Day 4 - Monday, 7 Dec 2009

Up at dawn before breakfast but in the mountains the light was reluctant to say the least. The birds on the other hand were magnificent. It was bitterly cold as we walked across ice to the ski lifts opposite the hotel while Choughs flew over in large flocks high above. At the bottom of the long ski lift were c.300 Crimson-winged Finches lining the cables. They just kept arriving and many were feeding in the compound of the small building just past the lift gear. The light was unfortunately very poor for photography and when we returned later the birds had dispersed up the hill a short way and were far less obliging. If you are after the finches here, do visit at dawn as the views were amazing.

Crimson-winged Finch Rhodopechys sanguinea

About 30 Rock Sparrows and 200 Linnets also vied for our attention but that was then captured by a young Barbary Falcon making repeated passes through the flocks with a dashing Merlin-like flight. This bird obligingly perched up in full view a couple of times giving us a great opportunity to study the diagnostic features.

Also around here were Black Redstarts, Chaffinches (European style), White Wagtails, Rock Doves, Mistle Thrush and there were 2 Dippers in the small stream.

We returned to the hotel for breakfast which was taken outside in the very sunny but still very cold conditions. Linnets, Great Tit, Ultramarine Tits, Chaffinches, Black Redstart, Blackbird, a Meadow Pipit and hoards of Alpine and Red-billed Choughs were on show throughout.

Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus

Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax

Views of Oukaimeden

We took another walk back up to see the finches but they were much flightier and very difficult to photograph. A single Atlas Horned Lark showed briefly but we decided to move on.

The slow tyre had gone down overnight so another wheel change (again with local assistance) saw the repaired tyre pressed into service for the run back to Marrakech.

Only a little way past the manned barrier on the way down, next to a huge vertical rocky face on the right hand side, we encountered a near-adult Lammergeier which treated us to extraordinary extended views. this was followed very soon after by a pair of Common Ravens circling.

Lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus

The view back down to the plains

But the good fortune wasn't to end there, or even with the Barbary Partridge seen well by the side of the road among some of the first pines on the descent.

Shortly after that, just above the first buildings encountered on the descent, the bank was alive with Ring Ouzels. About 30 were noisily flitting about the junipers. There were also several Barbary Ground Squirrels about here, Mistle Thrushes, Serin and a Rock Bunting.

Descending further we encountered a few Firecrests at a bend across a broad gully where there were also Common Bulbul calling and we had Wren and Robin.

Firecrest Regulus ignicapillus

A few kilometers further on the road crossed the valley again to head east on the south side of the river and we were passing through small settlements making frequent stops to look for woodpeckers. At one of these we spotted another birder, a friendly Spanish chap and while we were chatting to him Chris noticed a female Levaillant's Green Woodpecker feeding high on the bank right by the road. It had been there all along, unseen by any of us.

Many photos were taken much to the delight of the school children walking back up the hill. They thoroughly enjoyed looking through the scopes and at the photos.

Levaillant's Green Woodpecker Picus vaillantii, female

The rest of the descent was characterised by Blackbirds, House Sparrows, Ultramarine Tits, the odd Sardinian Warbler and Black Wheatear, Common Bulbuls, a Sparrowhawk and a Cattle Egret.

Shortly after the woodpecker we stopped for our final excellent Tagine of the trip at the Restaurant Soleil. Great Spotted Woodpecker called nearby, Ultramarine Tits showed well, there were Serin, Chiffchaffs, Goldfinch and Wren about and a Little Egret and Grey Wagtail flew along the river. 2 Woodpigeons over here were the only ones of the trip.

We continued our descent out of the mountains past mineral, pottery and textile shops plus the odd saddled Camel until we reached the plains.

The rest of the drive back to Marrakech revealed Stonechats, Southern Grey Shrikes, a Corn Bunting, Sardinian Warbler and, nearer the city, Collared Doves, Spotless Starlings, a Sparrowhawk and a few Cattle Egrets. But Morocco had one more pleasant surprise to throw at us. We pulled over for a roadside bird, which failed to show again, only to spot a fairly distant Black-shouldered Kite hovering over land SE of the city.

Back at the airport we took a last look at Spotless Starlings, Feral Pigeons, House Sparrows, and a few House Buntings but the last bird of the trip was a House Bunting flying around inside the departure lounge well after dark.

House Bunting Emberiza (striolata) sahari

The Arrangements and Tips

We flew with Ryanair, booked a car with Europcar through an online booking agency and did not book any accommodation in advance. It might be advisable to book the accommodation at Oukaimeden in advance, especially if, like us, arriving late out of season, as we had to knock on a window to get them to open up the hotel. Otherwise it was easy to find good cheap accommodation with good food.

The overnight drive from Marrakech to Merzouga took about 11 hours including a stop for an hour or so in the small hours. On the way back the drive from Boumalne to Oukaimeden took about 7 hours. The road up to the resort is quite quick and well signposted from the Route de l'Ourika out of Marrakech. It would take about 1.5 hours from Marrakech without stops.

Rocky desert roads were passable in our 4 door saloon, in fact on occasions we just drove straight across the desert, but sandy roads are to be avoided. It wouldn't take much to get stuck in any moderate build up of sand.

The driving in town is a bit mad and signposting a bit hit and miss. Almost anywhere at night you can come across people on foot, donkey, bike, scooter or even the odd lorry with no lights.

First light is at about 06:00 at this time of year with birds appearing from about 06:30. By 17:00 light was failing fast and by 18:00 it was completely dark.

The weather was cloudless throughout and well over 20 degrees in the daytime. It felt very warm at times. Locals said this was much warmer than usual for the time of year. Nights were cold. It was near freezing in the desert on the first night. The mountain resort was very cold with plenty of ice about in the early morning.

Morocco is an amazingly friendly country. Everywhere we went we were treated like old friends and everyone was keen to help or just chat. Nearly everyone speaks good French but we found most spoke some English too. Learn the odd word of Arabic or Berber though to be polite - "Shokran" is "Thank you" and generally goes down well.

You do get hassled in some places, e.g. around Merzouga/Erfoud for hotels and/or trips into the desert. If you aren't interested just say so politely and people leave you alone. Often folk just want to talk and try out their English, Spanish or German.

Full species list

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