Now now, lets not get overly excited just yet as it could all go terribly wrong but before that happens let me introduce myself! I, Miss Naomi, am a 26 year old fat chick from the West Midlands and I am passionate about all things plus size! I have been noseying around the Fatshion community for around a year now, and although I maybe a little late to the parade of fabulously fierce fatshionista's I am hoping my little contribution wont go a miss! Being on the larger end of the plus size scale being anything betwen a size 24-30 dependent on where I shop (how many of us have that problem ladies? Aye!) and 5ft 4in, choices are even more limited, I have found so much inspiration from other plus size bloggers and hope that I can bring a little bit more input to all the other voluptuous beauties out there!
Over the past year I have been massively impressed with the progression of plus size fashion and more so the impact independent fatshion bloggers have made upon an industry which used to pale in comparison to what it is at the moment. My own personal highlight so far has been the arrival of the incredibly fresh and bang on trend ASOS Curve range, a range which I feel could not have happened and been so successful from the start without the input of passionate plus sizers whom were crying out for key trends to be made available to them. ASOS did amazingly well I feel in creating the Curve range and put many other plus size retailers to shame by offering mainstream looks at affordable prices, is that not what us curvy counterparts wanted all along? Why yes it is! That being said, I feel that there is definitely still room for improvement within the industry and am looking forward to watching the twists and turns, and now blogging about them along the way!
Anyway, I am gonna wrap this up, but I assure you that now I have finally broken the ice with you all I wont go away (unless you really really want me to?). Please say ello, follow me on my Twitter, send me a postcard or messenger pigeon or whichever way you crazy kids communicate these days and I will welcome the knowledge that there are indeed peoples out there interested in my ramblings!
*Phew, done!*