Sunday Round Up......

Evenin' my lovelies!

Just dropping in and giving you all a little hello!

I've had a right busy week, on Monday I popped out for an evening at the theatre, how many of you remember Birds of a Feather? I know right! The 3 main cast members have gotten back together to do a tour and I have to say, they were as fabulous as ever, the original Essex girls as far as I'm concerned, gimme Chigwell over Towie any day! I mean check out that fabulous 80's style, Dorien gimme that hot pink blazer, NOW!

Tuesday I headed out for yummy munch at Miller & Carter with my lovely boys and girls from work, much wine and birthday cake was consumed and I went to work on Wednesday feeling rather worse for wear but enjoyed every minute and on Wednesday evening I had some lovely friends over for nails and gossip.

My main killer this past week has been the fact that it has been dress down ALL WEEK at work! Now, don't get me wrong, I have a ginormous wardrobe bursting to the brim with clothes, but the moment you ask me to choose a different outfit everyday I am totally bazingered! But I did notice something, I am a full on creature of habit and I am a total sucker for 3 classic trends, nautical, leopard print and florals. Every outfit has consisted of one of those trends I wish I had taken pictures but alas, I am a little bit camera shy at the moment, I had my hair extensions taken out last week and I am just getting used to my face without my long locks, feeling like a right munter!

Other things I have been upto just recently are......

Hanging around awesome market stalls eyeing up cute jewellery.....

Buying awesome new items from New Look Inspire & ASOS Curve.....

New Look Inspire

ASOS Curve

Scouring the t'interweb for my perfect pair of Converse......

Receiving awesome items to try out for my reviews week from Simply Be and Chubby Cartwheels.....
Chubby Cartwheels

Simply Be

Playing far too much 'Draw Something' and realising I cannot draw for shiz, if you want to have a laugh at my lack of artistic talent, my username is naomi_griffiths....

Trying desperately to find the perfect outfit to head down to Evans HQ tomorrow for the preview of 'Swan' by Clements Ribeiro......

Getting excited over heading over to Sutton Coldfield Vintage & Arts Fair next weekend.....

So keep checking back and I should have some interesting things to talk to you about v.soon!


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