Its been a crazy crazy week for me. I started my new job which I am absolutely loving and Ive also been doing a crazy amount of hours at my second job, which has been very busy and taken its toll on Little Miss Nom! So much so, I think the tiredness caught up with me today and bought me down a little bit. Now, Im not one to wallow, Im generally quite an upbeat person so what does Naomi do when she feels a little bit on the gloomy side? On this occassion I had a nosey through some old photo's and remembered some really good times. In October 2009 I jetted off with some friends and visited New York, I have ALWAYS wanted to go and was so so so excited and added to my major excitement was the invitation to go and see the truly fabulous Substantia Jones and have some pictures taken for her brilliant and truly inspirational Adipositivity Project! I stripped off with a group of gorgeous girlies and bared all to take my place in the Adipose Hall of Fame. I had a great day and I was truly honoured to be part of a project which I have admired and watched from afar for so long!
My pictures have been up for a while, but the little memories from then have bought a smile back to my face this evening so I thought I would share my little moment with you, you cant see my face but I assure you that I am there, can you guess which one is my behind? ;)
