I haven't forgotten you at all! I promise! I know that Ive been a bad girl and neglected you, but I promise (I know this is the second promise I have made) that I will be better this time around. For any of you who follow me on twitter, you will know Ive had a lot of personal stuff going on just recently, which has led to me being severely uninspired and a bit run down to be honest. But I am back now, and I ain't leaving you! Pinky promise! *bats lashes*
Anyway, first of all last week I went out into town for a few drinks for a friends birthday (as you do). I got myself all ready and descended downstairs to the dreaded lounge. Now, I say the dreaded lounge because you can guarantee, mom is going to be sitting there waiting to give the 'critique' out, and my, she'd have given old Mr Cowell a run for his money this time. I stepped into the living room and waited for it, nothing was said. So I turn and say "So, what do you think?" I wish Id never asked, the response...
"Don't you think you should put some tights on? A girl your size shouldn't be wearing a skirt that short!"
'A girl your size shouldn't', 'A girl your size shouldn't'. I kept turning those words over in my head 'A girl your size shouldn't'. Wow, I thought, just wow! To be honest, I couldn't even answer her, or respond in any way what so ever. Luckily my taxi pulled up and I slicked on a on a smile and flounced off. I'm not going to lie, those words stuck in my head and pretty much permeated through every nerve of my brain. But it got me thinking, who said a girl of size shouldn't wear X,Y, Z? Who actually made up that rule? Why do we endeavour to live by some bull shit code of what we should and shouldn't wear? How we should and shouldn't look? Who we should and shouldn't date? Who we should or shouldn't be? Who said so? WHO?!
Do people not realise that there are worse things going on in the world than 'OMGZ'ED A FAT GIRL IN A SHORT SKIRT!?!?!?' I mean really, I am not so self-absorbed as to believe that if I go out, bare legged and wearing something that, dare I say it, is above my knee that everyone is actually there giving a fuck about it and me. I don't care and neither should you or anyone for that matter. So I suppose, in essence what I am trying to say is for gods sake, life is to short to care about who thinks you should be following some invisible fat girl code of conduct, trying our best to swamp ourselves in swarms of tent like fabric in efforts to not draw attention to ourselves. I refuse to and so should you. Don't pander to that self fulfilling prophecy of 'they think I'm ugly so I will be ugly', stick two fingers up and just be you ladies. Please, for gods sake, lets just start breaking moulds instead of living in them...
So, mom, I love you, but when it comes to your 'A girl your size shouldn't...' code of conduct, please stick it somewhere the sun does not shine.......[and breathe].
There, I said it, the rant that has swamped my brain for the past week, now, on to the offending outfit. Here I am, wearing, 'dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuun' a skirt that barely hits my knee, sacriledge....
Skirt - ASOS Curve (Last season)
Cardigan - George @ Asda £10
Vest Top - H&M BiB £7.99
Belt - Evans £5 (Winter sale)
Wedge Heel Court Shoes - New Look £14.99
Bag & Necklace - Primark £1 and £3
I must say, I am coo'ing over the lace party dress, It called to me as soon as I saw the image, it is so me and so feminine and girly and just beautiful. I remember seeing one similar in Simply Be a couple of years ago and kicked myself for not getting it, so when I saw this one I was like 'OMG, I love!' but I know it'll end up as one of those dresses I only wear on a night out or something, so I am debating getting one of the other two as I think I'd get more wear out of them? What impressed me is that their sizing run to a 5X and also each individual item has its own size chart and a description of if it runs true to size, small or large etc. Which I thought was a brilliant idea and a great help! Anyway, check out Lucie Lu, and as soon as I order and receive I will let you know what I think! I am really loving independant boutiques at the moment, it's a shame we don't have a few more! Along with Lucie Lu I am totally loving Domino Dollhouse, I am yet to order from them but can't wait to try them out, espesh after seeing the lovely Tiffany Kaelin from On The Fatwalk doing a fierce pin-up style shoot for them!
Right, I am gonna bow out, but I will be back soon! Promise! Oh actually, before I go, I wanted to say, I am proper lovin' the blog She Likes Shoes! Check it out, love this girls style!
Thats enough from me,
Do people not realise that there are worse things going on in the world than 'OMGZ'ED A FAT GIRL IN A SHORT SKIRT!?!?!?' I mean really, I am not so self-absorbed as to believe that if I go out, bare legged and wearing something that, dare I say it, is above my knee that everyone is actually there giving a fuck about it and me. I don't care and neither should you or anyone for that matter. So I suppose, in essence what I am trying to say is for gods sake, life is to short to care about who thinks you should be following some invisible fat girl code of conduct, trying our best to swamp ourselves in swarms of tent like fabric in efforts to not draw attention to ourselves. I refuse to and so should you. Don't pander to that self fulfilling prophecy of 'they think I'm ugly so I will be ugly', stick two fingers up and just be you ladies. Please, for gods sake, lets just start breaking moulds instead of living in them...
So, mom, I love you, but when it comes to your 'A girl your size shouldn't...' code of conduct, please stick it somewhere the sun does not shine.......[and breathe].
There, I said it, the rant that has swamped my brain for the past week, now, on to the offending outfit. Here I am, wearing, 'dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuun' a skirt that barely hits my knee, sacriledge....
Cardigan - George @ Asda £10
Vest Top - H&M BiB £7.99
Belt - Evans £5 (Winter sale)
Wedge Heel Court Shoes - New Look £14.99
Bag & Necklace - Primark £1 and £3
I haven't linked to anything today because it is all stuff from past seasons, nothing is current, you may find it knocking about in a sale somewhere or on good old eBay though! I have to say, if it hadn't been for my dear old Mom putting her two pennies in, I didn't feel too bad in this outfit. But meh, mothers aye!!
Oh, so, after ranty ranty, next thing on my agenda to talk about is my fabulous win from the lovely Valerie over at Blog To Be Alive! I entered her recent blog giveaway and was thrilled to have won a $100 gift certificate for the fabulous plus size store Lucie Lu!
I have to say, I had never heard of the store before, but after discovering it through Valerie's blog I was pretty much smitten with it. I really really love some of their dresses and I am currently torn over which one to splash out on with my voucher, what do you think? Here are the options I am mulling over....
Oh, so, after ranty ranty, next thing on my agenda to talk about is my fabulous win from the lovely Valerie over at Blog To Be Alive! I entered her recent blog giveaway and was thrilled to have won a $100 gift certificate for the fabulous plus size store Lucie Lu!
I have to say, I had never heard of the store before, but after discovering it through Valerie's blog I was pretty much smitten with it. I really really love some of their dresses and I am currently torn over which one to splash out on with my voucher, what do you think? Here are the options I am mulling over....
I must say, I am coo'ing over the lace party dress, It called to me as soon as I saw the image, it is so me and so feminine and girly and just beautiful. I remember seeing one similar in Simply Be a couple of years ago and kicked myself for not getting it, so when I saw this one I was like 'OMG, I love!' but I know it'll end up as one of those dresses I only wear on a night out or something, so I am debating getting one of the other two as I think I'd get more wear out of them? What impressed me is that their sizing run to a 5X and also each individual item has its own size chart and a description of if it runs true to size, small or large etc. Which I thought was a brilliant idea and a great help! Anyway, check out Lucie Lu, and as soon as I order and receive I will let you know what I think! I am really loving independant boutiques at the moment, it's a shame we don't have a few more! Along with Lucie Lu I am totally loving Domino Dollhouse, I am yet to order from them but can't wait to try them out, espesh after seeing the lovely Tiffany Kaelin from On The Fatwalk doing a fierce pin-up style shoot for them!
Right, I am gonna bow out, but I will be back soon! Promise! Oh actually, before I go, I wanted to say, I am proper lovin' the blog She Likes Shoes! Check it out, love this girls style!
Thats enough from me,