Spring Moths

Over the past few days I've recorded the following moths in the garden:
0663 Diurnea fagella
1497 Amblyptilia acanthadactyla
1524 Emmelina monodactyla
1663 March Moth (Alsophila aescularia)
1746 Shoulder-stripe (Anticlea badiata)
1930 Oak Beauty (Biston strataria)
1934 Dotted Border (Agriopis marginaria)
2182 Small Quaker (Orthosia cruda)
2187 Common Quaker (Orthosia cerasi)
2188 Clouded Drab (Orthosia incerta)
2190 Hebrew Character (Orthosia gothica)
2258 The Chestnut (Conistra vaccinii)

Amblyptilia acanthadactyla

Diurnea fagella

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