Evenin' lovelies!
So how have you all been this week?
Its Sunday, day of rest and rest is exactly what I have done indeed! It's been a crazy week at work so I was looking forward to just switching my brain off this weekend and slobbing about. Im also trying to save some cash as I've got some really exciting weekends coming up. Although, the saving money bit hasn't gone entirely to plan....
Friday night I went out to a friends 30th birthday party. In true Naomi style I got a little bit drunk (Ok, verrrrrrrrrrrry drunk.) I got home around 1am, stumbled up the stairs to bed and pretty much passed out for the night, un-be-known to me of what I actually did in my inebriated haze!
So I wake up the next morning, mom comes into my room....
"What time did you get in?" mom says,
"About 1ish, why?" I reply,
"Did you order a pizza?"
"Errrrrr no? I dont think so anyway...."
"Well why was some strange man banging the door at 3am trying to deliver one?"
"Hmmmmmmmm I have no idea, what did you say to him?"
"I told him to piss off and stop banging my door, no one wants his pizza.....!"
Uh-oh, so I check my email, oh hello receipt for 15 quid, for a pizza I never actually had! In my stupid drunken haze, I somehow managed to get in my house, order a pizza online and then fuck off to bed and pass out, only for my mother to shout abuse at the man delivering it...saving money this weekend? I think not......
So that's pretty much how it panned out. I did a spot of shopping on Saturday afternoon with my friend, but I think I was so grieved over literally pissing 15 quid down the drain that I couldn't bare to spend on anything else, well apart from 2 bottles of Barry M nail polish, a new mini suitcase and a foundation, I think I was pretty restrained! :)
Ive never really been one for painting my nails, but just recently I have been massively inspired by the lovely Georgina of Cupcakes Clothes. Now, my skills are no where n
So because Ive had a pretty relaxed weekend, my outfit today has reflected that, I have donned my 'comfies', we all have them! A while ago I bought the 'Mink Drapey Utility' trousers from Evans, just for a change as I am forever in leggings and little dresses and tunics, and I have pretty much shunned jeans. I was pretty sure that they would arrive and I would hate them, I never seem to be able to get the look right with all these hareems and baggy crotch type bottoms and end up sending them back or wearing them for bed! I ended up pleasantly surprised with these, they have become my casual staple just lately, so much so I worry that people are going to notice that I wear them so much.
The soft cotton material of them is so beautiful and light, they flow and drape so gorgeously, I wear them all the time with my sequin Primark flats and a vest of some sort. Here they are...(Please excuse crappy phone pics, I'm not the photographer that a lot of you are!)
Mink Drapey Utility Trousers - Evans on sale £15 (normal price £35)
White Bubble Hem Vest - New Look Inspire £6.99
Cardigan - George @ Asda £10
Sequin Flats - Primark (last year)
I know I'm not looking particularly fantastic, so please forgive the lack of glam in this outfit post, but its a Sunday and the only thing I was going for was pure, unadulterated comforty, bliss! The bottoms look more grey in these pics but I can assure you that they are a lovely mink colour, they have jersey cuffs and an elasticated jersey waistband. They are a total win for me, I need to work out some other ways to wear them though. I have tried dressing them up with heels but I'm not sure I like the look I created, I'm a little bit more girly and fitted and revealing when it comes to my night out outfits, I just cant help it! *te he he*
So that was the outfit I chose to sit around, cook for the fam (honey and mustard baked chicken! *nom nom nom*) and do a bit of an eBay sale! Yup, thats right, I have finally got round to putting some bits and pieces on the old auction site! Items include a really awesome dress from Torrid and some really nice tailored shorts from New Look! So be sure to have a look at my wares ;)...
Buy my shiz!!!!
So anyway, Im hungry, and bedtime will be fast approaching and Monday will begin again *sigh*, so Im offskii! I am awaiting the arrival of my fantabuous Lucie Lu dresses and can't wait to show them to you! But for now bloggies,
Night Night and Big Love!