So, the last few days, with that tiny hint of sunshine gleaming through our windows, has perked up my outlook somewhat and had me all excited about wearing pretty colourful clothes and cute shoes! Ive noticed around the office over the past day or two that the girlies are starting to don pretty dresses and it made me smile. Me being a massive girly girl cannot resist a floral print, a pretty tea dress or cute ballet flats, they are what I reside in probably 85% of my clothed life at the moment, but I am always on the hunt for the wardrobe to be extended of these pieces, so after a little nosey around the t'interwebs I found a few of my fave super cute floral bits and pieces...

ASOS Curve Exclusive Summer Floral dress £40
Simply Be Blue Floral Vest £19
Lovedrobe @Evans Ditsy Print Dress
Forever 21 Floral Open Cardigan £23.80
Evans Pink Slingback Floral Court Shoe £25
Yours Clothing Floral Sequin Bag £15
New Look Inspire Rose Print Denim Shorts £22.99
There are absolutely loads more things around that I like but those few stood out to me, I foresee myself owning the sequin bag and I may try get my hands on that Forever 21 cardigan. Im yet to purchase an item of clothing from them so I think I may have to take the plunge sometime soon, but like I think I have mentioned before, they're pricing and quality is something to be desired in my opinion, hmmmmmmm. What are you all eyeing up at the moment? Id love to hear whats getting your votes this coming season....
Also on the grapevine I hear the release of the H&M Inclusive range is this Thursday coming, I know for myself alot of the pieces will not fit (me being over and above a size 24) but I am definitely going to be having a look to see what they have done with it and how it is looking, I know a lot of bloggers are really excited about it and it was great to see some of the samples at the Plus London blogger meet, so eagerly awatching this space! Let me know what you think of it!
Oh and to round up, Im thinking of having a little giveaway and maybe a challenge? As I have been severely lacking on the posting just recently Im thinking of things to keep me in check and get me motivated, anybody have any ideas of a weekly challenge I could do to keep me blogging? Answers in the comments box, and if any other blogs are interested maybe we could make it a group thing?! Ohhhhh Im excited!
Anyway, I promise to post again soon! I am busy this weekend, checking in with friends birthdays etc, but I promise to post any gossip and any good outfits! But for now bloggies....