Migrant Moths

A couple of migrants in the trap last night; Silver Y and Rusty Dot Pearl. The Mallow is only the 6th for the garden and it's the first time I've attracted Dark Bush-cricket to light.

Rusty Dot Pearl Udea ferrugalis

The Mallow Larentia clavaria

Canon Powershot A640

1309 Agriphila geniculea 1
1342 Eudonia angustea 1
1395 Rusty Dot Pearl (Udea ferrugalis) 1
1745 The Mallow (Larentia clavaria) 1
1764 Common Marbled Carpet (Chloroclysta truncata) 1
2092 Shuttle-shaped Dart (Agrotis puta) 1
2107 Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba) 5
2109 Lesser Yellow Underwing (Noctua comes) 5
2240 Blair's Shoulder-knot (Lithophane leautieri) 1
2252 Large Ranunculus (Polymixis flavicincta) 1
2267 Beaded Chestnut (Agrochola lychnidis) 5
2269 Centre-barred Sallow (Atethmia centrago) 1
2270 Lunar Underwing (Omphaloscelis lunosa) 15
2272 Barred Sallow (Xanthia aurago) 1
2353 Flounced Rustic (Luperina testacea) 1
2384 Vine's Rustic (Hoplodrina ambigua) 1
2389 Pale Mottled Willow (Caradrina clavipalpis) 1
2441 Silver Y (Autographa gamma) 1
Dark Bush-cricket (Pholidoptera griseoaptera) 1

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