ONE 7 WAYS 14th ed Voting!

I had a nice day today, I finally did my makeup with lenses again. I have just been forgetting to every time I've dressed up since I returned from Japan (as if that's so much anyway haha). I remembered how I like the look lenses! Anyway then I went out shopping, just got food and such but it was nice.

Anyway so my day was rather busy and I didn't have time to take the voting items picture in the way I wanted, so they just laying out on my bed like in the past. I hope you don't mind the messy look haha!

ONE 7 WAYS 14th ed VOTING items

A. Collar dress
B. Leopard skirt
C. Tiger shirt

I used all low brand printed items for this set, I also tried to be a bit challenging with the dress and tiger shirt. It should be interesting to coordinate either of those but let's see which one will win next week!

Please take a quick moment to vote in the poll below, and which ever items receives the most votes will be the item I coordinate next week. Make sure to cast your vote for your favorite items so it can make it to the coordinating round, every vote counts XD

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