Capri Wildlife

An overland trip to Sorrento and Capri last week was superb. The bulk of the wildlife interest was on Capri, although Pompei and Herculaneum produced some passing bird interest in the shape of the odd Hoopoe, a surprising number of Tree Sparrows (as well as the more expected Italian Sparrows) and a Night Heron.

Italian Wall Lizards were just about everywhere. There was a good number of migrant birds on the island: Nightingale, Pied Flycatcher, Wood Warbler, Cuckoo, Swifts and hirundines.


Italian Wall Lizard Podarcis sicula

Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix

Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis

Subalpine Warbler Sylvia cantillans

Canon EOS 500D EF 18-55mm/70-300mm IS

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