This morning I checked my emails as usual and I received the promo email from Evans announcing that their new 'Collection' range has been released. I had received some promo pics a few weeks ago showing off the up and coming range and I have to say I was impressed with the styling and how the items look like real quality pieces.Although the range is slightly out of my price range, items start at £35 for a top, right up to £75 for a maxi dress, I do rather like a couple of the pieces and maybe in the future if I am feeling a bit flush (or a good discount code comes along), I may dip in and purchase. Unfortunately non of it actually rocks my socks to the point where I feel the need to immediately splurge, but it is a very grown up, mature range which transfers the seasons high trends well, the neautral tones and the seasons key colours are used well. My picks are...
Collection Suedette Harem - £45

Collection Pleat Skirted Dress - £60
I really love the skirted dress, the midi skirt is big this season and it is really great to s
ee Evans picking up big trends and actually giving them to us without watering them down. If I do happen to partake in the midi trend, I couldn't think of a more perfect way to do it than in that dress. Maybe with a neautral toned heel like the Patent Lace Up Court shoe, £35 I am looking forward to seeing if the range gets extended at all, I would really like to see some more structured pieces, in the way of tailored dresses and blazer jackets, the kind of things that if you know you are going to spend a fortune on you are going to wear them pretty much forever!
Overall, a nice start Evans, lets hope it continues....
How do you feel about it?
And have a Happy Easter!