Tokyo Disneyland's Easter Wonderland IMG HVY

Happy Easter Everyone! I guess this is a bit late since many people have already experienced Easter Sunday, but I have been looking forward to posting about this for awhile now!

This week I have been editing the photos I took last May when I visited Tokyo Disneyland during their "Easter Wonderland" event. Yes, that's right, I didn't edit the photos until a year later haha. But my procrastination worked out alright this time, since it really is Easter now XD

The special entrance sign!

Though it was a year ago, and my memory is not great when it comes to certain things, I will do my best to write a recap of the Easter Wonderland!

Besides the special cute easter themed decorations that were added to Disneyland, they introduced new parades/shows, foods, goods and activities that made the Easter Wonderland very fun and special. I mean it didn't seem tacked on, it was so great!

Mickey and Minnie welcome you to the Easter Wonderland

Minnie and the Queen of hearts

The first new parade feature Minnie and the Queen of Hearts, I forget the plot but Minnie convinced the queen to have a party or something instead of being mean as usual haha. This paraded featured 50 lucky people who got to walk with the cast members^^

Bunny girls leading the lucky random people in the parade XD

There were also some very cute Easter displays featuring classic characters. I was able to get photos of them, but they were quite popular with people to take their photo in front of.

There was a special Egg hunt (looking for special display eggs) but I didn't do that, but I did buy one of the special easter sweets with special plate!

An easter tart with marshmallow egg on a collector plate

But the main event was the special Easter parade, which took the place after the normal day parade. It featured lots of great characters, all the usual ones but also less seen ones! My favorite were the bunny girl dancers, but I think photos are better than words:

A float with all the rabbit characters!

Yay, Esmeralda, never get to see her!

I love the interaction in this pic!

Well I really wish I could see this even again someday, the colors and decorations are just beyond cute! The weather was lovely as well. I hope you liked these Easter photos, and had a good day (even if you don't celebrate it!)

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