* Review * Decolog RICH false eyelashes

Hey my friends. How do you feel if we skip FHF this week? Gotta make up for not writing better posts this week and we need a bit of freshness around here. I have a great post coming up this weekend, but today I'm going to review an item that I really love but it does not get the attention it deserves at all!

Decolog Rich eyelashes

Decolog admittedly was not a brand I was aware of until this summer, when I spotted it in the cosmetic store in the basement of Ueno AbAb. They had a nice selection of lashes there, and I was standing there going between these Decolog Rich eyelashes and some Mizukitty backed No. 301 Eyemazing lashes.

Don't they look nice in this closeup!

In the end I picked these based on price. These come with 5 pairs of lashes for 1050 yen, much like Diamond Lash eyelashes. The quality of these, however, are higher than Diamond Lash in my experience. The shine level is low and the bands are a lot more easy to work with.

Sorry the focus is so off.. :/

The only problem I have had so far with these is I bent one of the spines fairly easily. It only happened the one time, but since then I make sure not to be too rough with it. Otherwise, these are so easy to apply! The spine is flexible, but it doesn't show up/have to be covered with eyeliner after.

These lashes give a really beautiful full and adult look!! I think the name "Rich" is perfect for them. It doesn't look too sweet or over the top, while giving the big and glamorous look. Basically since I got these lashes, I never use any others haha!

I hope more people will give Decolog Rich eyelashes a try, especially if you are following otona gyaru style. I know this brand is not well known, but luckily Shoppingholics.com carries them (this was not a sponsored review).

Well I've got a few things to prepare before tomorrow's event, I can't wait to show you guys what's up me and my mom's sleeves. Check back soon XD

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