Being that I'm on vacation, I am relaly not sure how much I will be blogging this week. In all honesty I just feel like there is not much point to it, so posts may be sparse. I do have a goal to overhaul the content of this blog a bit, so the content can match the layout haha, when I get back home. So if you can just put up with the lack of updates till then^^

Today I want to write about Venus Fort, which has been a well known tourist point on Odaiba in Tokyo Bay. Venus Fort was known as a ritzy, if not gimmicky, shopping mall to round out the more generic shopping malls of Aquacity and Decks. The main attractive point of Venus Fort was it's special interior design which mimicked Italian plazas complete with false sky.
The false sky itself changed color/luminosity to match the time of day. It gave a rich feeling to the mall, to match the brands that were carried there. Though it was a place I had wanted to visit, I never did before it shut down. I was really sad that I had missed out on something simply because I waited too long.

But I was in luck! Venus Fort came back, re-branded with a hipper more accessible image - perhaps to match the harsher economic climate. Anyhow, Venus Fort separated its floors into themes: Venus FAMILY, Venus GRAND, and Venus Outlet!

Interior of Venus Fort, still retaining that European charm ^_~

For those who are interested in fashion the outlet floor will be the place you want to head. Though I have to admit, the prices of the items on the outlet floor will not be impressive to us who are used to sales and outlets in the US, but it may be a good chance to get a lower price item out of Japan's sale months.
Here's a list of the gal brand stores that are available in Venus OUTLET:
Lip Service
Murua (argh XD)
247 Love

Of course there are many more brands that are worth checking out including Ralph Lauren, Anna Sui, Zara, Burberry Blue Label, Levi's Anne Klein etc etc etc XD There are accessory, shoe, children clothing and electronic shops. Plus restaurants so you are set up for a day long shopping trip haha.

But if you have some kids in tow, fear not, there are somethings to entertain them too! On the Venus FAMILY floor there is an arcade, pet stores, gift shops and best of all - Hello Kitty's Kawaii Paradise, a mini theme park. It includes a gift shop, restaurant and play area.
It would be great for lovers of Hello Kitty too! If you want to read more about it, please check out Kirin's great write up^^
Though I didn't get anything when I visited Venus Fort, I really look forward to going back and checking out Murua (since it's one of my favorite brands now haha) and Hello Kitty's Kawaii Paradise since it was not opened at the time I went there.