Rather I would like to show some beautiful photos, which will hopefully cheer me up and be entertaining for you^^ Odaiba is a city in Tokyo I have written about several times in the past, because its a very fun entertainment area and there is much to do there. I recommend you go there if your are visiting Tokyo of course haha.

FujiTV building and Aquafront shopping mall looming over the Odaiba beach

Odaiba has several big shopping malls, an amusement park, onsen, car showfloor etc so its a big date area besides being great for tourists. But Odaiba is unique because it is a reclaimed island in Tokyo bay. That means it was created with dumped sand and garbage etc haha!

People enjoying Odaiba beach

This super cutie corgi loves the beach too XD
And because it is an island, there is a great beach area! It has a white/light sand beach, which I assume was imported and dumped there, with a nice boardwalk and a rest area. In the summer people do use it as a regular beach with children going in the water. But mostly it is a strolling and relaxing place.

The Odaiba beach looks nice normally, but luckily when I visited it back in August 2010 (yes that's how old these photos are haha!) they were having a special event! For an environmental campaign called "Green Tokyo" which aimed to plant more trees in Tokyo, Giant Hello Kitty statues were placed in the Odaiba beach water.

What Hello Kitty has to do with planting trees I cannot tell you! But it was indeed so cute and I took notice of it. Hello Kitty is deep in Japanese pop culture and she represents so many things! Do you like Hello Kitty the character? Or do you like other Sanrio characters?
Well actually I do feel better now! Cuteness always works haha.