I promise I will post properly and update you all on the shiz going on my life sometime this week! But right now I wanted to quickly post about the spotty revolution taking over!
I was flicking through the t'interweb the other day and clocked this awesome Stella McCartney number popping up all over pretty much every celeb on the planet at the moment!
I love me a polka dot, so quirky but at the same time so classic, they never, ever, ever fall off our fashion radars do they? So I believe we can wholeheartedly justify any purchase of a polka piece as an investment!
Anyway, after having a nosey, these spotty mesh numbers are all over the place in the plus world too at the mo, so if your budget, or your waistline doesn't quite fit into old Stella's bracket, never fear here is my little round up of this celeb style steal, perfect for the up and coming party season!

Oh and if you don't fancy getting in on the LBD action, but fancy some dotty action how about this cute shrug...

Honestly, I haven't been paid to write this I know it prob sounds a bit cheese-tastic but I do honestly get a little bit over excited when the party season starts drawing in and I start clapping eyes on all the little pieces that I want to wear, so many outfits, not enough parties! Am gonna start party crashing me thinks!
Will update again this week sweeties!
Will update again this week sweeties!