Everything you see is in the past: Rafael Rozendaal

colour flip.comcolour flip.comcolour flip.comcolour flip.com
Colour Flip

every thing you see is in the past (2002)every thing you see is in the past (2002)
Everything you see is in the past (2002)

Admittedly I'm easily captivated by simple interactive websites; however I am especially glad to have discovered Rafael Rozendaals work. I sympathise with Rozendaal's proclivity towards nostalgic, cheesy clip-art textures, garish colours, and unsubtle gradients, and find his sites highly amusing. These fleeting and light-hearted (somewhat silly) interactives range from the inane to simply brilliant, and the infuriating. Generally they have great sound effects.

Notable works of Rozendaal's which are worth looking at (and clicking on): cold void and from the dark past

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