I was cycling into work around Overton Lake when I picked it up. Initially heard calling rather like Kingfisher and while scanning for it saw this. At first in flight it resembled a tiny marsh tern! As it got closer it looked more wader-like and I entertained thoughts of Sanderling, but it didn't look right and that call was wrong. Then it landed on the water, still rather distant, but the penny had dropped and I was fairly sure of the id at this point and started to ring the other birders I knew were on site.
It remained flighty, only settling and attempting to feed for short periods. Before anyone else got to it it flew off and it took a while to refind it on Overton again where it was successfully seen by Don Gardener, Chris Avanti, Matt Webb and Mike Weedon. I stayed with it for about half an hour until it flew off again. I headed off to work but it was relocated on Gunwade Lake where it showed well until 10:00 when it flew off high to the north.
Of course the photos leave a lot to be desired. It was very dull (which is why the bird was here in the first place) and the bird stayed at a good distance. I've included the blurred flight shots as it's nice to have some images of the open wing.
Grey Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius

Canon EOS 500D 70-300mm IS USM