Ello lovelies!
I have been meaning to post about these fabulous people for a couple of weeks now but have been a very busy lady!
You all know my rant about tights for us plus sizers, and especially when you are of a certain size getting tights is just an absolute nightmare! I recently discovered The Big Bloomers Company and, although the range of tights is limited at the moment, they have ones that actually fit me!!! FANTASTIC!! They were kind enough to send me 3 pairs of their Supersize tights in barely black! Whilst I haven't had chance to wear them just yet, I wanted to give you a heads up to them as they are fantastic!
Super, super stretchy, roomy and comfortable! Non of that awful crotch riding down business and you can get them properly over your tummy and hips! They even go up to a 9XL (100" hips)!!!!
They have recently added a new range in a 20 denier in jet black, barely black, mink and tan and if you are unsure you can try a pair for just £1! So I am currently off over there to order mine! If you are a plus sizer who struggles with tights like I do, then seriously try them out. I just hope they start getting in some fun colours and styles too, then everything will be complete for me!
As soon as I put an outfit together with them I will show you! Can't wait! :)
They also ship worldwide!
Big Love!