Sweet Lady Setup GIVEAWAY - CLOSED

Good day everyone! Well it's just that time, time for another giveaway right? XD I really meant to have one for Moment like Diamond's second anniversary last month, but time just got away from me because of my trip to DisneyWorld which was around the same time.

In fact the whole anniversary passed without any celebration/mention haha! Well it's a bit sad, since it will never come up again, but its the past now and time to move onto a giveaway! So with happiness I announce the...

Sweet Lady Setup Giveaway!

3 model pamphlets, 1 pair false eyelashes, 2 Biore facemasks, 1 Forever21 retro girly top, 1 Eggnam pin, 1 Hello Kitty winter tote, 1 Chiara bag charm, and 1 cleaner phonestrap

All items are new and unused; the shirt and the Chiara bag charm have their tags still attached. The shirt is a size Large but in my opinion it is closer to a medium. The Eggnam pin comes from the Eggnam arcade center which is popular with gyaru to do purikura. The cleaner strap just features a cloth on the reverse side which cleans grease of your phone's display.

How to Enter:

To enter this contest you simply need to fill out the form below with your contact info, and follower handle. You must be a follower of Moments like Diamonds to enter, but you do not need to promote. However if you promote this giveaway on your blog, twitter or tumblr you will get 1 extra entry!

But there's more! XD To make it a bit more fun (and to better your odds) you can earn another extra entry when you post this giveaway on your blog and describe how you would coordinate the Forever21 retro girly top! Just mention what items you would pair with the top for 2 extra entries^^/

* Fill out the form below in full
* Must be a follower of Moments like Diamonds
* Leave your contact info
* Promote this giveaway on your blog, twitter, tumblr = +1 entry
* Describe how you'd coordinate the F21 top on your blog = +1 entries


So please take a quick second to enter, it's so easy! I am looking forward to making MLD more exciting and interesting, thank you always for the sincere support which means so much to me! If you have any questions or comments about the giveaway please leave it in a reply.

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