"L' amour fou" (2010), directed by Pierre Thoretton

I'm intrigued by the infamous mystery and purported secretiveness surrounding Yves Saint Laurent, and am thus rather keen to see L' amour fou directed by Pierre Thoretton. This snippet from the film (below) shares a rare interview which captures Saint Laurent as I've never seen him before; he's jocular and cheeky, jubilantly joking, not at all the nervous, anxious interviewee he's been refereed to in the past. This particular interview with Yves' mix of honest, flippant, and elegant one-word answers highlights the simple and fascinating quality of translated subtitles accompanying a foreign spoken word. Even if most of Yves' clear-cut French answers are obvious: 'le Joie'; 'le charme'; I'm grateful for the English translation below. Yves's French accent and enunciation and the (somewhat) banal English word translation (words which somehow seem almost banal in comparison to their French equivalents) this somehow renders the interview to be quite charming to watch.

"L' amour fou" (2010), directed by Pierre Thoretton from sleek magazine on Vimeo.

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