Good day friends! Thank you so much for sticking with me through the rather plain food post I did last. I haven't had much time to edit any holiday photos yet, next week I have such nasty work hours (even today I have to work until 1am and I can't stand it DX) But I will try my best to get those together!
Today however, I would like to share another review with you, and I'm particularly excited about this one because I really love these lenses XD The lenses were provided to me by Shoppingholics.com
Origin: Korea Diameter : 14.5mm Water Content : 38% Base Curve : 8.6mm Life Span : 1 year disposal |
These lenses were sent to me by Shoppingholics.com for review purposes, all following opinions are my own honest assessments. These lenses are quite different than all the lenses I've tried previously, as they are very natural, so I was very excited to try them!
With one lens in
These lenses are called Puffy 3 Tone lenses for obvious reasons - they have a darker outer ring, a middle color and a bit of brown color at the center. The brown inner color will make it blend well with naturally dark eyes, but I think they look great on light eyes too. The outer ring is not too dark either, it gives the perfect enlargement with being like bam! black ring haha.
Speaking of enlargement, for 14.5mm lenses, I felt these were quite enlarging. Perhaps its because the printing is right up to the edge of the lens (some don't have color all the way to the edge) or the design. Either way, they make your eye appear larger for sure.
Furthermore, I found these lenses to be quite comfortable. I wore them 7 hours the first night I tried them, and my eyes are not particularly irritated. These have lower water content than some other lenses, so make sure you have your re-wetting drops with you^^
These lenses fit to my eyes very well, no noticeable problems with wandering lenses. And they were easy to put on as well. Really I have no complaints with these lenses, and they match my eye color very nicely I think!
Quick Review: Enlargement: ★★★★★ Comfort: ★★★★★ Color: ★★★★★★ (haha) |
Really I love these lenses! I think they make the perfect otona look! I would say these are my favorite lenses at the moment. I also have them in Blue and Green to review, so please look forward to that.
I want to state once more how completely satisfied and how much I enjoy transactions with Shoppingholics.com! Their service is top-notch, above and beyond, they try really hard to consider the tastes of their customers and it shows. Take a look around Shoppingholics.com for these lenses, hundreds more and all the greatest beauty products!
Please check out Shoppingholics.com!