For the re-start of FHF we get to meet the very adorable and sweet Prisilia Felicia, what a cute name to boot XD Please enjoy her interview!

Name: Prisilia Felicia
Location: Indonesia
Fashion Style: Mixed, but it has to be comfortable:)
What is your style, and how long have you been interested in fashion?
I...don't know what my style yet but I like vintage stuffs and layered clothes, sometimes I do combination from them. Really wanted to be a mori girl but my country season isn't really supportive so I gave up XD
So I ended up dress normally and comfortably because circumstances force me to use public transportation which is....not feasible for a dress up girl :))
I've been picky about what I wear since I was a toddler, but I really into fashion just recently 2 years ago and still searching what style suits me well.

How did you discover your style?
Basically I love taking nice picture of myself then I realized to look nice on a photo you have to wear nice coordination of clothes as well.
So yeah, I always make sure to pick good looking clothes before I go out and you can find me gazing around korean-japanese online shop and magazine, also vintage styled blog:D
When do you dress in your style?
I have to wear uniform at school, beside for me school isn't a nice place to show my clothes off; So I dress when I'm about to go to a place with nice scenery. Only if it has nice scenery^0^

Do you like to follow fashion rules, or create your own?
I just follow the right rules which lead me to advantage. I don't wear high heels because I walk alot, low heels maybe, but wear it rarely; I wear outer to camouflage my huge hips; I prefer huge leather bag than small cutesy bag because I bring lots of things on trip, rules like that. I pick some old rules and make my own some:D

Do you have one item (clothing, accessory, cosmetic) that is your signature?
Yes! I only wear loose top, won't wear a tight one =] and low or no heel-ed shoes
What do you think is important about fashion?
The instinct to dress on a right time and place, also the confidence you bring when you do fashion. If you don't have the guts to show your style to the world then you don't know the meaning of fashion!:))
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