I promise to get some more nice photos up next week as we head into the final countdown to Christmas. I have some festive photos that have not been edited for quite awhile, perhaps it would be fun to do all Christmas post this coming week hehe!

Boxes of beautiful Japanese sweets! I like Japanese sweets but they can be an acquired taste, do you like them?
Anyhow, I snapped all these pictures in a local supermarket in a town near where I stay in Japan called Nishi-Kasai. We were shopping for dinner ingredients but I love to take photos of all the awesome sweets available. Especially since I can't eat them haha!

A roll cake with a pudding inside! For those days when you can't pick between cake and pudding XD

Roll cakes with a New Years motif. Strawberry and cheese flavor

Fruit on pudding parfait cups
A great thing about Japan is they are really into seasonal and limited edition food/flavors! So there are constantly new flavors of sweets and snacks being released. You can tons of Japanese blogs that are dedicated just to reviewing all the new sweets coming out haha!

Chocolate cake slices with some mont blanc in the background

Cakes being sold by the slice, the green one is matcha flavor
And one more bonus shot, it's not a sweet food though it appears like it should be sweet by the adorable packaging - it's Rilakkuma fishcakes! These are definently something you want use when making a bento XD

Ok, I think that's enough of me being evil haha! I promise the next photo spams will not be of things that are so tempting. I have a lot of errands to run tomorrow (one of my last free days before Christmas) so I'd better get some rest now^^