We met at the rotunda, wow, the colors of this shot look so nice to me ^^
It was a meetup hosted by Bulaklak gyaru-sa, though I know Minnesota is out of the way, it was really fun to meet the new gals Mia and Alexis (I'm not sure if she is doing gyaru, or just interested in it^^)!
We met at the Mall of America that day, its the usual place for shopping because it has so many stores in one spot. Plus all the shops that I think are great for gyaru clothing^^

My statement rings selections at F21

Browsing for shiny things
Justin was still working but we gals went around shopping a bit, stopping at Forever21 first. We were oggling all the jewelry and such XD I have store credit but I'm hoarding it for some reason haha

Mia looks great in the cowboy hat! Oh she looks so gyaru!

I tried on a purple floppy hat, which I liked^^ Wow this mirror was warped XO
Then it was a stop at H&M, where we just had fun trying on random clothing and taking photos!
After that we stopped at Betsey Johnson and Emily got a cool dress and possibly a job? XDD We had enough of shopping at that point and sat down at Caribou Coffee to chat and wait for Justin.
After he arrived it was time to take the group photos! I had to ask my friend (who came to pick me up) to take photos, he's so kind to help us with group shots because I don't want to ask random strangers.

Group shot, with our hobo hitchhiker pose (yeah I'm calling it that, wanna fight about it?)

And now we fight. So I look like a psycho when I fight.

MN Gals!
It was really fun! Sorry I always leave early guys, I think I am an old lady at heart...
But we Minnesota gals are making some idea, awesome ideas, so I hope that I can report on that soon! Thanks for looking again!