But here is the real reason for this post - to announce the winner of the Spring theme Nail Art Contest, which took place last month. I decided the winner this week with consultation with fellow judges (whom I all know in real life).
And without further ado....
the winner is....

(I will be contacting you in a moment Kiki)
Thank you so much dear for entering you beautiful nails. The reason I chose this entry is because I really felt "spring" "fresh" and "bright" when I saw them, which really was the point of the theme. She also utilized a variety of symbols and colors which were part of the rules.
Honestly I want to say how hard it was to pick just one winner, it made me feel like a villain! I was so grateful to receive over 20 entries to this contest, I know it was not easy to meet the dealine/have the materials etc.
If you have not already, please take a moment to look at the Contest Tumblr to see all the amazing nail art entries. I will be holding a giveaway this month, so I hope everyone will participate in that and I can share more gifts with more people^^
Again, Thank you so much everyone who entered, your support and art is so highly appreciated by me.
Here are the sites of entrants, please give them a view because they are great!
* Crazy About Nails
* Linda von Dosky
* Samantha's ameblo
* Mi-tan's tumblr
* Adriana Da Costa
* L'ordinaire
* j'oeuvre
* MIAVY's tumblr
* A blog by Alice
* Like candy floss
* Salgy
* Katie's Stuff
* Jacqui
* Sequins and Beads
* Drowning in my sleep
* Makeup, makeup, and more makeup!
* Jujubee
* Jujujenny
* One Tare starts the Trash
* Miki Meow
* Samantha Morgan