Name: Melody /Melludee
Location: Australia
Fashion Style: A mix of whatever I'm feeling like at that time !
Link: http://melludee.com

What is your style, and how long have you been interested in fashion?
I don't think what I wear can actually be categorized in to a certain set style. Basically, I dress according to a lot of different things. I dress depending on my mood, the season, the weather and whatever seems to be occupying my interest at that time of moment. (Although, I do notice that I try to stick to simple, flattering outfits rather than heavy and accessory-loaded outfits - especially in Summer) I've been interested in fashion for quite a while but never put it in to motion until recently. My different styles in fashion used to only be shown through the drawings I drew; but now that I have the freedom to wear whatever I want (School had uniform :\) I've decided to venture a bit in to different styles that used to make me feel uncomfortable.How did you discover your style?
I can't say that I've discovered a certain style yet but whatever I wear can be influenced by what I just saw on a blog or a magazine. In a way, I guess, I'm still discovering different aspects of everything. But whatever I am wearing is usually discovered through random choices. Sometimes, I'd just sit in front of my clothes cupboard and stare at different pieces of clothing; trying to match them with different things in my head. Usually during this process, I pick one item (ie. a skirt, jacket or whatever) that I want to wear and build an outfit around it!
When do you dress in your style?
Hmmm. Whenever I feel like it? It's the holidays in Australia at the moment, so I guess I only dress in style when I'm going out. But if it's just a quick run to the grocery store, I probably would just wear whatever catches my eye first so not much there. And during Uni days, it depends on how early I have to wake up. Picking an outfit at 6am isn't always the best; so I try to pick it the night before ...but the weather here gets a bit crazy, so it doesn't always work :(Do you like to follow fashion rules, or create your own?
Are there really rules? Hehe. Because, I believe that everyone should have rules based on their own face and body. So, I wouldn't say I follow any type of rules - I just wear what seems to look the best on me, and what I feel most comfortable in!
Do you have one item (clothing, accessory, cosmetic) that is your signature?
I think for a long time, people associate me with tights. Because that is generally the piece of item I wear the most. I absolutely hate wearing pants or jeans (unless they're leggings) and so I'm always wearing some sort of tights or stockings or something of that sort. I have most colours (red, pink, white, green, blue, patterned - a lot more that is pictured in the attached photo haha..etc) so I alternate based on how I'm feeling on that day. I also used to wear a lot of head gear (headbands, hats..etc) but it's probably not as prominent any more because I sometimes end up pulling them off during the day anyway.What do you think is important about fashion?
The most important thing is to always feel confident in what you're wearing! I think that even if you're wearing something really gorgeous and sexy or trendy, if you're not going to feel confident in it - it just won't work. So, the most important thing is to do what you feel comfortable with. And it's okay to experiment every once in awhile! Just have fun and go crazy - within the law hahah <3 If you would like to be featured as a Fashion Hime on an upcoming Friday, please click on the button below to be taken to the sign up page!