Japanese gyaru can take good shots in these Donki mirrors, why not me XD
So anyhow, on June 19 I met up with Lexi, and it was really lucky that she happened to be in Tokyo just as I had recently arrived. A lot of my best friends have already left Tokyo, so it was really happy for me I could make a new friend!
6-19-11 coordinate
This is what I wore for the meetup! I really like how it turned out, perhaps its in the top 3 of best coordinates I've worn during this trip so far haha. But! That shirt is 100% polyester. Besides being totally hideous, polyester does not breath at all. So sadly that's the last time I'll be wearing that white shirt this summer TT

It's Shinjuku!

Aw, didn't stop here tho TT
So we met up at the station and I was late. I felt so terrible! I am never late and I pride myself on it, but everything was against me that day; forgetting things, missing the train, not being able to find the right exit.

But I did eventually make it and Lexi was very gracious. She had not eaten yet so out first stop was to get food. We visited Italian Tomato which is a chain cafe featuring low cost pastas and sweets, they even had cheap salads for me! We chatted there a long time!
Then we decided to just stroll around Shinjuku abit as we headed for purikura. Purikura is the most important facet of a meetup and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise haha! I know a couple arcades in Shinjuku, but I'm sure there's alot I don't know.

Alpaca phone cases, argh!! This is currently my wallpaper^^

These guys are soooo cute too
So I had to waste, yeah waste, some money on UFO before we did puri. But luckily I won one small alpaca ha. Then we did puri, talked a bit more and Lexi had to head onto her next appointment. I bought the new Nuts on the way home too, man it's SO good, and they come on on the 17th of the month so I can buy two more before I leave XD

Our puri, yay turned out so nice!

My gets of the day, Nuts August issue and tiny alpaca