Fashion Hime Friday #57 - Hito!

Hello and Happy Friday! It's early morning back in MN, so it must be a nice feeling knowing the weekend is just around the bend! And I'm glad to here posting on time for once hehe XD I had a good Friday, I hope you too, and to make it better please enjoy the latest FHF featuring the very sweet Hito!

Name: Hito
Location: Alicante (Spain)
Fashion Style: Gyaru~

What is your style, and how long have you been interested in fashion?
I think I'm a "started Gyaru" :P Since I was little child I love make up and go shopping but I couldn't cuz I was very youn

How did you discover your style?
I don't know really well how I discovered it, I don't remember but since I started in the "Japanese world" I was searching for my perfect style. I tried visual-kei and others but is now when I'm really comfortable with myself and my style ^o^´

When do you dress in your style?
I try to do it when I can, I discovered this style few months ago and I haven't got real Gyaru clothes for each day so, I usually wear it at weekend, when I haven't got to go to highschool

Do you like to follow fashion rules, or create your own?
At the moment I'm trying to follow it haha~ But I like to create new ones, its easy, I use fashion rules that I like, if I don't like I create news haha

Do you have one item (clothing, accessory, cosmetic) that is your signature?
Mmmhh... I haven't got so much clothes but.. I think MY SHOES~~ weee~~ (L) I love all of them and I think I'm nothing without them hahaha

What do you think is important about fashion?
Hair and make up is the most important I think, you have to look fine and beautiful!! :D

If you would like to be featured as a Fashion Hime on an upcoming  Friday, please click on the button below to be taken to the sign up  page!

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