Well anyhow recently I was able to get some discretionary money, so I feel rather excited to get some new things. This excitement is enough that it makes me want to share the pictures here. It's been awhile since my last gets post so it's ok I think XD ha!

Tokyo Girl's Collection T and Tokyo Kawaii TV goods
I worked with NHK's Tokyo Kawaii TV staff again, which was so lovely. The producers, directors and workers are all such kind people to me. Really so friendly and great to work with! They very kindly gave me the omiyage above!! I got a Tokyo Girl's Collection tshirt, which is so awesome since I can't go due to classes. And super kirakira stickers and Domo ^3^
So anyhow, here's onto the items I have purchased for myself here in Japan. It's really nice to be here during the sales time since I'm a bargain hunter. I don't have much spare money so I'm considering my purchases very deeply.

Tshirt from CRYX and Knit top from Shake Shake

White halter top onepiece from Ghost of Harlem

White Tshirt with back cutout design from Ghost of Harlem
Big necklace from one way
Tank top setup from Shake Shake
Ok, I really lusted over this tank top set from Shake Shake after I saw it in Happie Nuts September, and its apparently quite popular because this was the last colorway in stock at 109 (and my 3rd fave of the 4 colorways). Now I need new shorts to match...
Canmake cosmetics, Maybelline eyeliner, and some face scrub

A random ring holder kirakira cat, from a random shop, wasn't gonna get it but it just caught my eye

Entire Alpaca collection as of today
And I got another giant alpaca since my other one was lonely with only chibi-paca to keep him company. I chose an "Oshare" version for my second biggie, and I got several more tiny oshare charm sized ones.
Ok, that was so much stuff. But this is all I've gotten clothing wise (plus a pair of loose pants) since I got back to Tokyo, so I think I am doing a good job holding back XD