Now I want to share some fun photos I took literaly a year ago while I was waiting to meet Hana in Haarajuku. Its a great place to people watch, though the exciting cosplayers and lolita are rare (not as forgien media make it out to be) the regular fashion is what catches my eye!

Oh these girls' outfits were super trendy last year!
Though some of these trends have gone out, you can still spot somethings that continue to this year. And the photos can be inspiring! Overall I really like the variety of styles you can see in Harajuku, and there are some nice out of the way spots to snap photos.

Can can hats and demin shirts, I like the girl on the far right!
I tried to snap some shots at Shibuya last night but I just ended up feeling awkward and touristy so I gave up haha! I hope you will enjoy the rest of these photos, I really do!

A wide variety of people and styles pass through Harajuku

Perhaps these guys called each other this morning XD

Aren't these type of shoes so trendy now, this girl was ahead of the curve!

You can still see some punk and rock styles too!
Currently I have so much free time, and hardly any plans, I'm not the type who likes to go outside without a reason so I will just try to catch up on editing photos and replying to messages (sorry to anyone who's been waiting on my reply for awhile TT). Please look forward to part 2 of this set and the FHF!